Рассказ про масленицу
The holiday dates back to paganism and its traditions and ceremonies in pre-Christian Rus. Maslenitsa is a goodbye to a severe Russian winter and welcoming of spring. This Orthodox festivity is celebrated in the last week of February. Maslenitsa is also known as “Butter week” or “Pancake week”. People have a good time with family, friends, neighbours and strangers eating local pancakes – “blinis” with various fillings, dancing in a round, participating in fist-fighting and other fun competitions, playing games and drinking hot tea together. The event could include masquerades and snowball fights.
Maslenitsa is preceding the Lent. This is a long period of time (about 2 months until the Easter) when we control all food we eat and thoughts we have. The holiday is celebrated during 7 days. Every day of Maslenitsa is devoted to different things. For example, sons-in-law visit their mothers-in-law to taste their blinis on Wednesday. In the end of the week- on Sunday-people make a big bonfire to burn a hand-made straw effigy symbolized a winter. The day is named as Shrove Sunday, when everybody could ask for forgiveness from all people who were offended someday.
Этот праздник уходит своими корнями в язычество и его традиции и ритуалы, которые были на Руси до принятия Христианства. Масленица – прощание с суровой русской зимой и приветствие весны. Этот традиционный праздник отмечается в последнюю неделю февраля.
Масленица также известна как «масленичная» или «блинная» неделя. Люди хорошо проводят время со своими семьями, друзьями, соседями, незнакомцами угощаясь местным блюдом – блинами с разнообразными начинками, водя хороводы, участвуя в кулачных боях и прочих соревнованиях, играя в игры и попивая горячий чай вместе. Частью праздника могут быть маскарады и бои снежками.
Масленица предшествует посту. Постом называется длительный период времени (около 2 месяцев до наступления Пасхи), в течение которого мы следим за тем, что едим и о чем думаем.
Гуляния продолжаются в течение 7 дней. Каждый день Масленицы посвящен разным вещам. Например, в среду зятья ходят к тещам на блины. В конце недели, в воскресенье, люди разводят большой костер для того чтобы сжечь в нем соломенное чучело, символизирующее зиму. Этот день называется Прощеным Воскресеньем – день, когда каждый может попросить прощения у того, кого когда-то обидел.
Essay about technology and communication
Technology has entered our lives as strong as natural instincts. Today nobody can do without phones, computers, devices and internet. Modern society is crazy about new inventions, gadgets, because they think these things make their being more comfortable. Of course it’s convenient to download music, find information or talk to somebody on the cell phone simultaneously.
We can’t argue that technical progress is the determinative aspect in the development of the human race. Virtual reality made possible to see, hear, feel items that actually don’t exist. They’re all fruits of our imagination. With the help of special effects people create techno stuff, which attracts adults and children.
I have little free time because I have to work hard in order to do well at school. But I try to find some time during the weekends for my favourite occupation: knitting and sewing.
I learned to knit when I was ten. The first thing I made was a muffler. I knitted it for my Dad. I was very proud when he wore it. Now I can make quite complicated things. This year I’ve knitted pullovers for my Mom and myself, and a hat for my friend as a birthday present. When I see beautiful knitting-wool in a shop, I find it very difficult to go by without buying it.
I learned to sew at the age of 12. Now I’m very good at it. Sometimes I cut patterns out of magazines, but more often I design clothes by myself. I think it’s a very useful hobby. Thanks to it I have some very nice inexpensive clothes. I don’t have to spend much money in order to look attractive.