Let me introduce myself. Позвольте представиться.
It’s time to throw off the mask and tell something important about myself. Пришло время сбросить маску и рассказать нечто важное о себе.
It is difficult to describe myself. I think I am… Сложно описать себя. Я думаю, что я…(и коронная фраза)
I am a middle-sized imposing man. It seems to me that I am rather vigorous handsome and easy-going. And my friends say I am eager and sincere. Я – представительный мужчина среднего роста. Мне кажется, что я достаточно энергичный симпатичный и общительный. А друзья говорят, что я целеустремленный и искренний.
(Для женщин:
beautiful, good-looking — красивая
pretty — симпатичная
pleasant-looking — приятная
elegant — элегантная
Для мужчин:
handsome — красивый
nice-looking — приятный
gallant — галантный)
Also come from Russia, I live in Moscow. – Я из России, я живу в Москве.
I go to school. I am in the eighth form. – Я хожу в школу. Я учусь в 8 классе.
My favourive subjects are... . – Мои любимые предметы – это ...
2. were cleaning. When the children were cleaning the park?
3. will be discussing. Why all the pupils will be discussing teenagers’ problems?
4. i am writing. What are you writing now?
5. will be. Where she will be?
1. Last Sunday the teacher took his pupils to the forest.
Last Sunday the teacher didn't take his pupils to the forest.
2. The birds are eating the bread now.
The birds aren't eating the bread now.
3.They just leave the city.
They don't just leave the city.
4. I was preparing for the competition at 6 o'clock yesterday.
I wasn't preparing for the competition at 6 o'clock yesterday.
5. My sister goes to the dentist every year.
My sister doesn't goes to the dentist every year.