Вопрос 20: buy
Вопрос 21: usually get up
Вопрос 22: I don't usually have
Вопрос 23: is trying
Вопрос 24: I was often cycling
Вопрос 25: is wearing
Вопрос 26: isn't working
Вопрос 20: Ты купил какие-нибудь сувениры, пока был в США?
Вопрос 21: Мы часто встаем рано.
Вопрос 22: Обычно я не беру десерт, но сегодня вечером я возьму один.
Вопрос 23: Джейк пытается тренироваться (чтобы быть спортивным) для конкурса по атлетике в следующем месяце.
Вопрос 24: Летом я обычно ездила на велосипеде на работу.
Вопрос 25: Аля носит платье сегодня.
Вопрос 26: Елена не работает завтра, поэтому мы встретимся завтра за обедом.
1) He often said (that) he never smoked.
2) John told his teacher (that) he had lost his English book.
3) They said (that) they were going to Paris the following week.
4) She said (that) she had gone to London the day before.
5) He said (that) he would give him his book.
6) The woman said (that) they had been waiting for a long time.
7) Peter said (that) he was telephoning from the US.
8) Helen told me (that) she didn't like oranges.
9) The professor said (that) he had never seen anything like this before.
10) The teacher told us (that) water boiled at 100 degrees centigrade.