Eating healthy is very important for every person. Wise people say, “Health is above wealth”. And, indeed, what can we do properly if we don’t eat. It is our natural source of energy, so it’s better to chose it carefully. For example, our body needs more vitamins and minerals but it doesn’t need much cholesterol. That’s why, it’s better to avoid using fat-containing products. We also need less sodium, which is found in salt and less sugar. We need to eat less candies and cakes. First of all, it can make you overweight. Secondly, it’s not good for health.
Along with eating healthy, we should try to keep fit by doing exercise, cycling, spending less time in front of the TV and not smoking.
2. Better
3. Worse
4. Bigger
5. Tastier
6. Older
7. More beautiful
8. Newer