Только без перевода I can't imagine modern world without TV. It has become one of most important parts of our life. Nowadays every person needs to know the last news, because its seems to me , if they do not know the news - the world will crash down. The modern TV consists of few links - cinematography, news, talk show and other kind of programmes for children , teens and adults. According to our tastes we can choose what do we want to watch. As for me i like watching films, such as comedies ( friends with benefits, American pie) dramas like a legendary film" Titanic" and some kinds of horror films like"point of destination""the warm of our bodies" and so on , so forth... I also understand that in the one hand there are many arguments for and against TV, but in other hand no one can't live without Mass Media. In my opinion TV in itself neither good nor bad, but we must understand that it is as good or as bad as we make it.
My favorite sport Most of all I love swimming . This is very useful sport. Ever since I started to swim , I stopped hurting flu and sore throat . No I is not afraid of cold . Correct posture , improved vision . Also, very nice to swim . Water immediately refreshes , it becomes easy , body obediently skim the surface , you feel strong and agile . Even in a bad mood disappears somewhere . There are several styles of swimming : crawl , breaststroke, butterfly , crawl on the back. And each in its own beautiful and interesting in terms of technology . Developing different muscle groups , improving the coordination of movements . People who are well floating in the water feel almost like a fish. Hands instead of fins , legs in the role of the tail. And if you wear flippers - obtained very similar. Approaching the world of nature , forget human problems .
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