Let me tell you some words about my favourite film. There are a lot of different genres, but I prefer watching old Soviet comedies and adventure films with a drop of fantasy. The choice is sure to depend on my mood, but there is a movie in my collection which I can watch every day. It is “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Frankly speaking, I believe all the parts to be exciting and thrilling.
This masterpiece was directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. They were lucky enough to create a perfect combination of humour, adventures, fantasy and what not. The plot of the story is elaborate, having a love-line, chases, battles and other things to leave a deep and lasting impression on the audience. “Pirates of the Caribbean” was shot with the help of Walt Disney Pictures, and the idea of the whole story was born on the basis of the same-named theme park in Disneyland. The crew was working marvelously during all the series. One thing that I like best of all is a cast, heading by Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. Jack the Sparrow is one of the brightest parts, acted by Johnny Depp. He could create such a dazzling and charismatic character, who was capable to grab the spectators throughout all the film duration.
At last, I’d like to add that “Pirates of the Caribbean” is really worth watching for the cast, the music, the plot and all the rest. And I strongly recommend to watch it if you have not done it yet.
Позвольте мне немного рассказать о своем любимом фильме. Существует множество жанров, но я предпочитаю смотреть старые советские комедии и приключенческие фильмы с каплей фантастики. Конечно же, выбор зависит от моего настроения, но в моей коллекции есть кино, которое я могу пересматривать каждый день. Это «Пираты Карибского моря». Откровенно говоря, я считаю все части фильма увлекательными и захватывающими.
Режиссером этого шедевра был Гор Вербински, а продюсером – Джерри Брукхаймер. Им посчастливилось создать превосходное сочетание юмора, приключений, фантастики и много чего еще. Сюжет тщательно проработан: есть любовная линия, погони, сражения и другие моменты произвести глубокое и незабываемое впечатление на зрителей. Фильм «Пираты Карибского моря» был снят при поддержке студии «Уолт Дисней Пикчерз», а в основу идеи всей истории лег одноименный тематический парк в Диснейленде. Съемочная команда работала великолепно на протяжении всех серий. Одна из вещей, которая мне понравилась больше всего — актерский состав, во главе с Джонни Деппом, Орландо Блумом и Кирой Найтли. Джек Воробей – одна из ярчайших ролей, сыгранных Джонни Деппом. Он смог создать такой захватывающий и харизматичный образ героя, который покорить публику с первой минуты и до конца фильма.
Наконец, я бы хотел добавить, что «Пиратов Карибского моря», действительно, стоит посмотреть из-за актерского состава, музыки, сюжета и всего остального. И я настоятельно рекомендую посмотреть его, если вы еще это не сделали.
Kurt Cobain (20.02.1967 - 05.04.1994) - American musician Kurt Cobain was a prominent American musician, rock singer and guitarist. He was probably best known for the rock-project called “Nirvana”. Born in Aberdeen, Washington, he had many European roots: Irish, Scottish, German, English. His Irish ancestors migrated to Canada in the 19th century and then moved to the USA.
Curt was born on February 20, 1967, in a humble family. His mother was a housewife and his father was a mechanic. However, he had some other relatives who were involved in music industry. For example, his uncle was from the “Beachcombers” band, his aunt played the guitar in various local ensembles. One of his distant grandfathers made a career of a tenor and starred in “King of Jazz” (1930). He started showing interest in music at a very early age. When he was two he enjoyed singing “Beatles” songs, when he was seven he got his first drum as a present from his aunt. When he was nine his parents divorced and it had a bad impact on him. He became sullen and unhappy. His life was a mess as a teenager. At first he lived with his mother, then he moved in with his father. After his favourite uncle committed a suicide he became even more disturbed. There were times when he lived at his friends’ place or with relatives. At the age of fourteen he learned to play the guitar. His first teacher was the musician from “Beachcombers”. After graduation from school Curt was often caught drinking or wandering. Once he spent eight days at a cell for trespassing someone else’s territory being drunk. He loved reading and his favourite writers included Leo Tolstoy, J. D. Salinger, Patrick Suskind. The later author’s story about the perfume creating murderer inspired Cobain to write a song “Scentless Apprentice”. In 1985 he established his first band “Fecal Matter”, which didn’t last. The second band was more successful. Changing several titles, it was called “Nirvana” and in 1988 they released their first single, a year later - an album “Bleach”. The second album “Nevermind” was highly demanded. It brought Cobain’s band not only commercial success, but also world fame. His personal life was connected with Courtney Love. A couple met in 1989, but it wasn’t until 1991 that they started dating. A year later they got married, as Courtney was pregnant. They daughter Frances was born on August 18, 1992. At that time Curt was already experiencing some health problems. He was known for poor health from the very childhood, but taking into account that he overused alcohol and drugs, it got even worse. In spring 1994 he was hospitalized after an attempt to take over fifty pills of Rohypnol and to wash them down with champagne. He seemed to be ready to undergo the treatment at one of the Californian rehabilitation centers, but at the beginning of April he escaped from the hospital. On April 8 early in the morning Kurt was found dead in his Seattle house. It was a real shock for his numerous fans. After the cremation his ashes were partially scattered over the river in his native Aberdeen, WA, and partially passed to Courtney. There is an unofficial memorial bench dedicated to Cobain in Viretta park.
Indefinite Passive. Add the necessary adverbial modifiers. 1. The engineers were given interesting problems for solving. 2. Automatic tools were used by the operator. З. He was allowed to use a computer. 4. Metals were flowed out into special containers. 5. The experiments with new devices were carried out. 6. Metal was processed in various ways. 7. Any new design of a solar power station was discussed. 8. The problem of computer development was considered by the scientists. 9. The efficiency of this device was increased. 10. The particles of nuclei were studied.
Let me tell you some words about my favourite film. There are a lot of different genres, but I prefer watching old Soviet comedies and adventure films with a drop of fantasy. The choice is sure to depend on my mood, but there is a movie in my collection which I can watch every day. It is “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Frankly speaking, I believe all the parts to be exciting and thrilling.
This masterpiece was directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. They were lucky enough to create a perfect combination of humour, adventures, fantasy and what not. The plot of the story is elaborate, having a love-line, chases, battles and other things to leave a deep and lasting impression on the audience. “Pirates of the Caribbean” was shot with the help of Walt Disney Pictures, and the idea of the whole story was born on the basis of the same-named theme park in Disneyland. The crew was working marvelously during all the series. One thing that I like best of all is a cast, heading by Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. Jack the Sparrow is one of the brightest parts, acted by Johnny Depp. He could create such a dazzling and charismatic character, who was capable to grab the spectators throughout all the film duration.
At last, I’d like to add that “Pirates of the Caribbean” is really worth watching for the cast, the music, the plot and all the rest. And I strongly recommend to watch it if you have not done it yet.
ПереводПозвольте мне немного рассказать о своем любимом фильме. Существует множество жанров, но я предпочитаю смотреть старые советские комедии и приключенческие фильмы с каплей фантастики. Конечно же, выбор зависит от моего настроения, но в моей коллекции есть кино, которое я могу пересматривать каждый день. Это «Пираты Карибского моря». Откровенно говоря, я считаю все части фильма увлекательными и захватывающими.
Режиссером этого шедевра был Гор Вербински, а продюсером – Джерри Брукхаймер. Им посчастливилось создать превосходное сочетание юмора, приключений, фантастики и много чего еще. Сюжет тщательно проработан: есть любовная линия, погони, сражения и другие моменты произвести глубокое и незабываемое впечатление на зрителей. Фильм «Пираты Карибского моря» был снят при поддержке студии «Уолт Дисней Пикчерз», а в основу идеи всей истории лег одноименный тематический парк в Диснейленде. Съемочная команда работала великолепно на протяжении всех серий. Одна из вещей, которая мне понравилась больше всего — актерский состав, во главе с Джонни Деппом, Орландо Блумом и Кирой Найтли. Джек Воробей – одна из ярчайших ролей, сыгранных Джонни Деппом. Он смог создать такой захватывающий и харизматичный образ героя, который покорить публику с первой минуты и до конца фильма.
Наконец, я бы хотел добавить, что «Пиратов Карибского моря», действительно, стоит посмотреть из-за актерского состава, музыки, сюжета и всего остального. И я настоятельно рекомендую посмотреть его, если вы еще это не сделали.