Родительское гнездо в американских семьях принято покидать сразу после школы и уезжать как можно дальше: не потому, что с родителями плохие отношения, а потому, что так принято.Семьи в Америке помимо воспитания конкуретно своего ребенка также стараются развить в нем независимость и самостоятельность. Ребенок имеет право на собственное мнение с ранних лет, имеет право его высказывать, и это очень ценится и поощряется.
Few people know that school education in Japan lasts as long as 12 years. School education includes schools with three levels of soy: gakko (primary), tu: gakko (middle) Iko: then: gakko (older). .System of school education in Japan is represented by three stages: in primary school they study for 6 years, in middle school - 3 years, in senior school - 3 more years. The numbering of classes differs from the national one. This means that there is not an end-to-end system, but an internal system of classes-the fourth grade of an elementary school, the first grade of a secondary school, and so on. Parallel classes are denoted by the letters of the Latin alphabet - 1A, 1B, etc. The first of April - in Japan the beginning of the school year. The school year in Japan consists of three trimesters. The first trimester lasts from April 6 to July 20, followed by a long summer vacation, the second trimester begins on September 1 and lasts until December 26, and from January 7 to March 25, the third trimester continues. The last week before the first trimester is allocated for transition from one class to another. Six-day training (in some schools - five days). The most difficult subjects in high school are Japanese and English, as well as mathematics. Additional schools are called "dzyuku", in translation - "tutoring school." Examinations in Japan, traditionally, are the biggest problem for students. Each exam lasts for several hours. In elementary school, there are no exams, and in middle and high school examinations are surrendered five times a year - at the end of the trimesters and in the middle of the first two trimesters. • Gakuran is a men's uniform in many middle and high schools in Japan. Usually gakuran is black, but in some schools it can be dark blue or brown. • Sailor - a common form of the form, worn by girls in middle and high school and, sometimes, in the initial.