I'd like to tell you about my winter vacation. It was great! My friends and I went to the mountains. It was amazing.
We went skiing and sledding a lot. The weather was perfect: frost and sun, all the time we had to wear sunglasses as in summer. Of course, it was cold, because it's winter. We warmly dressed, but still I managed to catch a cold cause of my weak throat.
I laid in the hotel under a warm blanket and drank tea with honey and lemon. The temperature was low, but the head was a bit of a pain. I had to take too many pills and some bitter medicine. But everybody worried about me and tried to entertain. It's so nice to be in the spotlight.
But everithing comes to an end. And I got well and we went home.
I. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения. 1. Он родился в 1873 году. 2. Они получают высшее образование в Оксфордском университете. 3. Он будет удостоен первого класса диплом. 4. Он выбрал академию художеств, сдавшие все вступительные экзамены успешно и стала студенткой.
II. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните Причастие, и я Причастие II и укажите, являются ли они или определением обстоятельством. Переведите предложения. 1. Я знаю человека, работающего в этой области науки. 2. Мы говорим о специализации на основе описательных и курсы элементарная практическая подготовка. 3. Ждать ей, что они просмотра телевизионных программ о выдающихся художников. 4. Если учился полный спектр предметов вы сможете стать хорошим специалистом.
III. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения. 1. В ходе его практического обучения он мог посетить растений и увидел, что работать было очень трудно. 2. Он собирал материал для своей дипломной работы, которую он должен готовить и защищать. 3. Он должен перебраться в Москву, чтобы продолжить свои исследования. 4. Он должен принять ту или иную заинтересованность в безопасности.
This is a story about my most awkward trip to Italy in recent years, we hope that it will be able to someone from our travelers to help not to waste and worse with negative emotions, precious vacation and experience the same discomfort. And yet, dear compatriots, this is my call - let us be more active before my trip, I tried to find information and reviews compatriots about the hotel, in which food and place, but it was very poorly, and reviews about the hotel - the only foreign tourists. And already before the departure I found one comment, but to change anything and it was too late. I think if I had the negative impression (and I lived in different hotels and places of Italy), and the rest of the hotel could definitely cause positive emotions.
I'd like to tell you about my winter vacation. It was great! My friends and I went to the mountains. It was amazing.
We went skiing and sledding a lot. The weather was perfect: frost and sun, all the time we had to wear sunglasses as in summer. Of course, it was cold, because it's winter. We warmly dressed, but still I managed to catch a cold cause of my weak throat.
I laid in the hotel under a warm blanket and drank tea with honey and lemon. The temperature was low, but the head was a bit of a pain. I had to take too many pills and some bitter medicine. But everybody worried about me and tried to entertain. It's so nice to be in the spotlight.
But everithing comes to an end. And I got well and we went home.