The Klyazma is a river in the European part of Russia, in the Moscow and Vladimir regions; the most abundant left tributary of the Oka.
The river is associated with the development of the North-East of Russia, the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality (XII century).
The Klyazma river originates near the town of Solnechnogorsk of the Moscow region. The length of the river is 686 km, the basin area is 42.5 thousand km2 – the 1st in length and the 2nd in area of the basin (after Moksha) tributary of the Oka [*]. The river basin stretches from West to East, is asymmetric, and the left-Bank part of the basin is three times larger. It flows into the Oka river 90 km from its mouth. From the right Bank fall Sudogda and Suvorowi. Main left-Bank tributaries: Ucha, Vorya, Kirzhach, Peksha, Nerl, Uvod, Teza, Lukh. In the lower part of the river basin there are many swamps, about 15
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В 1932 году был учреждён комплекс ГТО второй ступени, в котором, в качестве одной из норм, появились приёмы самозащиты.
Автором рисунка стал главный медальер монетного двора А. Ф. Васютинский (также автор окончательного варианта ордена Ленина и первого значка ГТО).
Участникам были представлены предельные показатели изгибающего момента для голени, ПКС и ВБС, предложенные Группой по технической оценке (ГТО).
Кроме того, пороговые значения критериев травмирования, предложенные ГТО, должны быть включены в документ с учетом текста преамбулы и того обстоятельства, что некоторым Договаривающимся сторонам, возможно, необходимо провести дополнительные исследования на предмет оценки обоснованности и адекватности пороговых значений для их отечественных регионов.
Однако, начиная со второго неофициального совещания, деятельность ГСПБ была отнесена к сфере компетенции ГТО, которая примерно раз в месяц проводит интерактивные совещания.
Члены ГТО произвели его оценку, результаты которой будут обобщены на девятом совещании ГТО в сентябре 2009 года с целью завершения программы оценочных мероприятий.
Its evaluation has been conducted by the TEG members, and the results will be gathered in the ninth TEG meeting in September 2009 in order to finalize their evaluation activities.
In 1932, the complex was established by the TRP of the second stage, in which, as one of the rules of self-defense techniques appeared.
The artist of the drawing was the chief medalist of the mint, A.F. Vasyutinskiy (also the author of the final version of the Order of Lenin and the first badge of the TRP).
Performance limits for the tibia bending moment, the ACL and the MCL proposed by the Technical Evaluation Group (TEG) on FlexPLI were presented to participants.
In addition the injury threshold values proposed by the TEG should be incorporated into the document taking into account the text of the preamble, that for some Contracting Parties further studies may be necessary to evaluate the appropriateness of the thresholds for their domestic regions.
However, starting with the second meeting, the GBUM activities were incorporated into those of the TEG who hold web meeting approximately once a month.
Its evaluation has been conducted by the TEG members, and the results will be gathered in the ninth TEG meeting in September 2009 in order to finalize their evaluation activities.