I like to go to our amusement park. My family and I go there at weekends to go on amusement rides.
Last Sunday we went there too. My brother and I took a ride on a merry-go-round and then we jumped on the trampoline. After that mum and dad bought us some popcorn and cotton candy. I was thirsty and dad bought me a bottle of water. Then we took a ride on the roller coaster.
It was a great day! We all felt happy.
Мне нравится ходить в наш парк отдыха и развлечений. Мы с семьей ходим туда по выходным покататься на аттракционах.
В воскресенье мы тоже были там. Мы с братом прокатились на карусели, а потом попрыгали на батуте. После этого мама и папа купили нам попкорн и сладкую вату. Мне захотелось пить, и папа купил мне бутылку воды. Затем мы катались на американских горках.
Это был отличный день! Мы все были Счастливы.
я вас умаляю можно лучший
1. She is doing her homework.
2. She is listening to music, chatting with her best friend online, downloading songs and texting people on your mobile phone.
3. Multitasking helps her to concentrate.
4. Young people today spend nearly 6¹/² hours a day using various types of Media.
5. Multitasking effects how you learn in a negative way.
6. The researchers are not saying you shouldn't multitask, just don't multitask while you are trying to 25 learn something new.
7. They reach into their bags and grab their mobile phones to text messages their friends.
8. Their MP3 players, Laptops and games consoles have become extensions.
9. The pleasure of face to 35 face communication can be neither denied or replaced.
What had happened to their house?