Leonardo da Vinci (15.04.1452 - 02.05.1519) - Italian artist.
Leonardo da Vinci was a prominent Italian polymath, sculptor, artist, cartographer and writer. This man was ultimately talented in many fields: music, art, mathematics, geography, anatomy, literature. His paintings include “The Vitruvian Man” (1485), “The Last Supper” (1498), “Mona Lisa” (1503-1507), “ The Virgin and Child with St. Anne” (1510). Da Vinci was born on April the 15th, 1452, in the Tuscan hill town Vinci not far from Florence. He was the son of a prosperous notary Piero and a peasant woman Caterina. He was brought up by his father, who later married a rich and noble woman. This marriage was childless. That’s why Leonardo was taken away from his mother and brought up by da Vinci family.
His father married several times during his life and had twelve children all in all. He hoped that Leonardo will continue their family tradition, but the boy didn’t take any interest in law. Instead, he wanted to study the art of painting. In 1472, he was accepted by the guild of painters in Florence. One year later he drew his first painting - a landscape with a valley sketch. In 1481-82 he was hired by the governor of Milan to arrange court festivals and to do part-time engineering work. In his works da Vinci created a variety of options for the modern ideal city. He had an immense impact on the architecture of Italy. At that time Leonardo tried himself in various scientific fields and almost everywhere had success.
In 1517, he was invited to France as a court painter for the French king Francis I. As the French court tried actively to take up the culture of Italian Renaissance, da Vince was surrounded by owe and veneration. However, as the time showed this was more of an external show. In two years’ time the artist lost all his strength and got seriously ill. In May of 1519 he died in the castle near Amboise, France. Despite the short life, Leonardo da Vince managed to become a recognizable symbol of Renaissance and one of the most famous painters of all times. His works and manuscripts are priceless. They were published in full only in XIX-XX centuries. All his notes were supplemented by drawings and thorough explanation.
«I clearly remember my (first) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle.» Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the (most INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my (first) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often (went) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of (our) trip the weather was fine. There (was) a cool wind blowing, the sun was bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge (has BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people (are ALLOWed) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I (HAd) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists (will SOLVE) it in the near future.
Хелен и ее сестра не ходят в школу. Их учат у себя дома. Они пошли intelegent аккуратные девушки была dificulties. Она говорит: им медленно письменной форме. Я не люблю читать вслух. Я отстал. Таким образом, ее родители решили стал членом организации под названием Образование В противном случае 2. Целью организации является поддержка семей, которые учат своих детей в школу. Она была создана в 1977 году. Теперь у него есть член овец 1200 семей. Число семей в Великобритании, которые недовольны школьной системы быстро растет. 3. Согласно Образование в противном случае являются Ther severol причин, почему родители держат своих детей из школы. Некоторые из них имеют сильные философские или религиозные возражения в школу. Некоторые думают, что их дети не очень хорошо в школе. В родители взяли своих детей из школы, когда возникла серьезная проблема. Сейчас все больше и больше родителей предпочитают обучать своих детей в домашних условиях 4. мать Хелен Говорит: Мы были очень уверены в начале. Whe попытался сделать это, как образование. Хелен могла бы работать на ее собственной скорости и начал читать очень много. Курион и плотность самомотивация становятся важными аспектами обучения. Обучение не было больше не конкуренто он не был разделен на предметы, и он стал более практичным. А также обучения из книг, которые они начали готовить в саду посещения museins и других местах ос интереса вина их мать Caus "реальной жизни". прости некоторые слова не знаю , поэтому перевёл , что мог.
Leonardo da Vinci (15.04.1452 - 02.05.1519) - Italian artist.
Leonardo da Vinci was a prominent Italian polymath, sculptor, artist, cartographer and writer. This man was ultimately talented in many fields: music, art, mathematics, geography, anatomy, literature. His paintings include “The Vitruvian Man” (1485), “The Last Supper” (1498), “Mona Lisa” (1503-1507), “ The Virgin and Child with St. Anne” (1510). Da Vinci was born on April the 15th, 1452, in the Tuscan hill town Vinci not far from Florence. He was the son of a prosperous notary Piero and a peasant woman Caterina. He was brought up by his father, who later married a rich and noble woman. This marriage was childless. That’s why Leonardo was taken away from his mother and brought up by da Vinci family.
His father married several times during his life and had twelve children all in all. He hoped that Leonardo will continue their family tradition, but the boy didn’t take any interest in law. Instead, he wanted to study the art of painting. In 1472, he was accepted by the guild of painters in Florence. One year later he drew his first painting - a landscape with a valley sketch. In 1481-82 he was hired by the governor of Milan to arrange court festivals and to do part-time engineering work. In his works da Vinci created a variety of options for the modern ideal city. He had an immense impact on the architecture of Italy. At that time Leonardo tried himself in various scientific fields and almost everywhere had success.
In 1517, he was invited to France as a court painter for the French king Francis I. As the French court tried actively to take up the culture of Italian Renaissance, da Vince was surrounded by owe and veneration. However, as the time showed this was more of an external show. In two years’ time the artist lost all his strength and got seriously ill. In May of 1519 he died in the castle near Amboise, France. Despite the short life, Leonardo da Vince managed to become a recognizable symbol of Renaissance and one of the most famous painters of all times. His works and manuscripts are priceless. They were published in full only in XIX-XX centuries. All his notes were supplemented by drawings and thorough explanation.