1 A has decided to learn a language
A: I’ve decided to try and learn a foreign language.
B: Have you? Which language (1) are you going to learn?
A: Spanish.
B: (2) Are you going to do a course?
A: Yes, (3) it starts next week.
B: That’s great. I’m sure (4) you’ll enjoy it.
A: I hope so. But I think (5) it will be quite difficult.
2 A wants to know about B’s holiday plans
A: I hear (1) you are going on holiday soon.
B: That’s right. (2) We are going to FInland.
A: I hope (3) you’ll have a nice time.
B: Thanks. (4) I’ll send you a postcard and (5) I’ll get in touch with you when (6) I get back.
3 A invites B to a party
A: (1) I’m having a party next Saturday. Can you come?
B: On Saturday? I’m not sure. Some friends of mine (2) are coming to stay with me next week, but I think (3) they’ll have gone by Saturday. But if (4) they are still here, (5) I won’t be able to come to the party.
A: OK. Well, tell me as soon as (6) you know.
§ B: Right (7) I’ll phone you during the week.
4 A and B are two secret agents arranging a meeting. They are talking on the phone.
A: Well, what time (1) are we meeting?
B: Come to the café by the station at 4 o’clock. (2) I’ll be waiting for you when (3) you arrive. (4) I’ll be sitting by the window and (5) I’ll be wearing a bright green sweater.
A: OK. (6) Is agent 307 coming too?
B: No, she can’t be there.
A: Oh. (7) Shall I bring the documents?
B: Yes. (8) I’ll explain everything when (9) I see you. And don’t be late.
A: OK: (10) I’ll try to be on time.
Масленица – это единственный языческий праздник, официально признанный православной церковью
Блин – это символ солнца, поскольку он, как и солнце, желтый, круглый и горячий. Наши предки верили, что вместе с блином они съедают частичку его тепла и могущества
У наших далеких прародителей Масленица называлась Комоедицей. Отмечалась Комоедица всегда в одно и то же время –
Shrovetide is the only pagan holiday officially recognized by the Orthodox Church
The pancake is a symbol of the sun, because, like the sun, it is yellow, round and hot. Our ancestors believed that together with the pancake, they eat a piece of its warmth and power.
Our distant ancestors called Maslenitsa Komoeditsa. Komoeditsa was always celebrated at the same time - at the astronomical vernal
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