У многих глаголов в английском языке форма infinitiv обозначается приставкой to be (на месте be ставим нужный нам глагол).
1. "I will go in first, shall I?" he said. "There's no light in the passage, and you may (fall) over something." >>> "There's no light in the passage, and you may to fall over something".
2.For all... may still to live in that old house of his.
3.Don't reject... might to do a thing or two.
4. I thought you might to discover it...
5. You might to get the soldiers into...
6. "All right... it might to be a very serious matter".
7. After all, Timothy might to make a mistake, ...
8. Who knows what may to happen tomorrow?
9. But for...it might to turn out to be...
10. What a... really might to spare me...
11. It appeared... than it might to expect...
12. How did the boy... it might to be worse.
that we eat in salads
or cook it to make ketchup.
Some people think that it is
a vegetable, but it is not
(Answer: Tomato)
Назовите красный сочный овощ, который
мы едим в салате или
делаем из него кетчуп.
Некоторые думают, что это овощ,
но это не так. (ответ: Помидор)