In Florida Jack is not happy, he is sad because he likes cold days and cold nights, but he is hot in Florida. He is hot in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. Jack is thirsty. He likes tea, nice black tea. But tea is not hot in Florida. It is cold. It is iced tea. Во Флориде Джек не радoстный, он грустный, потому что он любит холодные дни и холодные ночи, но ему жарко во Флориде. Ему жарко утром, днем и вечером. Джек хочет пить. Он любит чай, хороший черный чай. Но во Флориде чай не горячий. Здесь он холодный. Здесь ледяной чай!
1. We are very busy now. We are discussing a very important question. 2. Where is Peter? Is he having his English lesson now? — No, he will have his English tomorrow. 3 Where is Susan? — She is working in the library at the moment. She will stop working in an hour. 4 What were children doing when you came home yesterday? — They were playing in their room. At two o’clock tomorrow we will be taking our French lesson. This problem is too difficult to discuss it now. I think we will discuss it tomorrow, when we have more time. He spent last week in a hospital. He was ill. Why didn't you put your coat on yesterday? It was cold. 9 He wasn't eating when I came yesterday. He was reading the book. 10. As a rule he translates two articles a week. But he translateed three articles last week. 11. She didn't see me when I came into the room. She was reading at that moment. 12. We will be waiting for them at two o’clock tomorrow. We are sure they will come in time. 13. My friends were walking when it began raining. 14. Tomorrow he will be still working when I come home. 15. Yesterday I returned home at eight o’clock: it was getting dark and was raining at the time. 16. I cut my finger when I was peeling an apple. 17. Let’s go to the cinema when the lessons are over. 18. He became furious when he understood that he was late. 19. If she doesn't come tomorrow, ring her up.