Once when I was little my parents and I went to a concert of the famous singer Stas Pyekha. He sang wonderful songs and told some stories about his life. I watched with amazement and thought: When I grow up I too will sing songs that I like! When I was 13 and we went to Moscow, where we again saw Stas and I asked him for an autograph. Since that day I have not become popular, but this dream remained...
Однажды когда я был ещё маленьким мы с родителями ходили на концерт известного певца Стаса Пьехи. Он пел замечательные песни, рассказывал несколько историй о своей жизни. Я с удивлением смотрел и задумался: Когда я выросту я тоже буду петь песни которые мне по душе! Когда мне исполнилось 13 и мы поехали в Москву там мы снова увидели Стаса и я попросил его автограф. С того дня я не стал популярным, но эта мечта осталась...
1. The pupil answered that Paris was the capital of friends. 2. Dad said not to show the dog that I was afraid. 3.Nick asked what I was doing the next day and invited to go for a walk. I answered that I could go then and would be ready in few minutes. 4.Mum asked who would stay with the baby while I worked. 5. The girl admitted that she hadn't had such a good time since she had fallen ill. (проверьте написание слова feel - должно быть fell . Если все же написано feel, тогда в предложении вместо -had fallen будет fell. 6.My brother asked why I had had to get up so early that day.