Грамматика Совершенное Время. (Имел + причастие времени).Правило: используйте совершенное время, чтобы показать связь между двумя действиями в совершенное время указывает на действие, которое произошло первым. Например, когда я пришел во двор, дети уже играли в эту игру.
Примеры употребления.
Had they finished work before they left? Они закончили работу, перед тем как уйти? Had he drunk coffee before he went to work? Он выпил кофе, перед тем как пошел на работу?
We came to the bus stop, but the bus had left – Мы пришли на автобусную остановку, но автобус ушёл.
The New Year holiday is the most favorite among all peoples. This holiday is winter, as the new year comes after winter. New Year is celebrated- decorate the Christmas tree is the most important thing, decorate the house. They call the guests or celebrate with their relatives. Many people dance around the Christmas Tree on New Year's Eve. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden bring gifts to children on this holiday.
Объяснение: если надо на русском
Праздник Новый год самый любимый у всех народов. Этот праздник зимний, так как новый год наступает после зимы. Новый год отмечают- наряжают ёлку это самое главное, украшают дом. Зовут гостей или же со своей роднёй отмечают. Многие в Новый год ведут хороводы вокруг ёлки. Детям в этот праздник приносят подарки Дед Мороз и Снегурочка.
I'd have one for the first and second years and also for the third and fourth years. The playgrounds would be separate, one for the young children and the other for the senior forms. A wall would be separating them and there would be a door from one playground to the other.
The classrooms would have carpets instead of lino. The desks would be painted and the chairs would have cushions. The chairs would also be painted.
There would be a computer for every table in the classroom. There would be at least 12 videos for each classroom. The hall would be very big, about 40 metres long and 30 metres wide.
The lessons would be interesting. There would be lots of French and German and English.
There would be four floors at the school. There would be a lift to take us up. The staffroom would be much bigger than the one we have now.
It would be light and cosy. There would also be a big library. There would be a lot of instruments: flutes, guitars, drums, etc.
The school meals would have different food every day. There would be lots of visits to concerts and parks.
The tests would be easier for children.