I want to talk about film that is called ``Fantastic Beasts``. This film is made by the book which is written by Joanne Rowling. She already wrote books about Harry Potter. And the films that were made by those books were very intresting. So when I went to watch this film I was excited. There were a lot of magic and colourful beasts. You never new how this film will finish. Also like in all films and stories there are some love between protagonists and also there is a villain. And the end of the will make you to think what will in the next part. I think you must watch it, because your imagination will become more intense.
We wake vesёlymi.Idёm wash, clean zuby.Potom we remove in kvartire.Gotovim salaty.Nakryvaem large stol.Doma we all shine, siyaet.My sit down at the table and looking forward, the new offensive goda.I here he comes, we will very raduemsya.Pozzhemy go outside to run the fireworks, light the fireworks. Перевод: Мы просыпаемся весёлыми.Идём умываться , чистить зубы.Потом мы убираемся в квартире.Готовим салаты.Накрываем большой стол.Дома у нас все блестит , сияет.Мы садимся за стол и с нетерпением ждём , наступления нового года.И вот он наступает , мыочень радуемся.Позжемы выходим на улицу запускать салют, зажигать фейрверки.
Modern means of communication are changing every time. They influence our life immensely. If many centuries ago people did not know about them, nowadays we cannot imagine our life without them. Among modern means of communication, my most favourite are a cell phone and the Internet. I talk to my family and friends on phone every day and it is very comfortable. As for the Internet, virtual communication makes it easier to make friends. But, of course, means of communication are very harmful for our health. People are so addicted to them that they don't pay attention to the risk. I think that modern means of communication are harmful but, if to use them carefully, you can possibly avoid it.
This film is made by the book which is written by Joanne Rowling.
She already wrote books about Harry Potter. And the films that were made by those books were very intresting. So when I went to watch this film I was excited. There were a lot of magic and colourful beasts. You never new how this film will finish. Also like in all films and stories there are some love between protagonists and also there is a villain. And the end of the will make you to think what will in the next part. I think you must watch it, because your imagination will become more intense.