1) The Red Sea. 2) The Urals. 3) The Volga. 4) The Alps. 5) The Caucasus Mountains. 6) The Thames. 7) Madrid. 8) Africa. 9) North America. 10) South America. 11) Oxford Street. 12) Red Square. 13) Hyde Park. 14) Lake Baikal. 16) Europe.
Артикль the не употребляется с названиями континентов, планет, стран, городов, улиц, озер, с названиями университетов, храмов, праздников.
Артикль the используется с названиями морей, рек, гор, отелей, музеев, театров. The ставим перед фамилией что обозначает семью (the Smiths).
was just 2 years old when my parents shifted to Chernivtsi. The first written mention of the city was on 8th June 1408.
We lived in a joint family. I lived with my parents and grandparents. My early memories of this city are all related to my grandparents, their stories, the streets of this beautiful city and the weekend trips to the nearby attractions. I remember going for morning walk with my grandfather who used to narrate his childhood experiences on the way. I remember the beauty of the merry plant that grew in our backyard. I remember my evening visits to the beautiful green park with my grandmother. We often had weekend trips to the market with my parents. We shopped and ate and had a lot of fun during that time. Chernivtsi is known for its beautiful architecture. There are a number of spectacular buildings standing tall since centuries. Many new edifices have been built later and are as magnificent. Tourists from around the world visit my city to see this beauty
What you want eat on breakfast.
What did you do in the morning.
What are going to in the afternoon.
,,Time go to bed",- Say father.
Последние это и есть предложение только сделай его как прямую речь. И балов за такое задание мало