Who's recommended Johnny to?
The street is cleaned every morning
If you forget that the cat have to be fed up, I will be very angry
The sky often covered up with clouds
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
I was left just go home and tell my parents
When you were scared, you didn't have to yall like mice
When the shark almost caught up Tony, he was saved by the lifeguard
The desk would be cleaned up if you weren't distracted
The lock was hacked, and all the jewels were stolen
ответ: B The North Yungas road in Bolivia goes from La Paz, which is a very large city to the
town of Coroico in the mountain region of the Amazon rainforest. The road is about
69 km long, but in that short distance it goes down from about 4,650 m high to 1,200 m.
Although it is only about three metres wide and there are no guard rails, cars travel in
both directions. The views are amazing, but between two and three hundred travellers
are killed every year when they drive off the side of this road. In Spanish it is called El
Camino de los Muertos – the Road of the Dead.