1) We saw her entering the room.
2) I'd like to make an appointment with the branch manager.
3) you can carry your money abroad in traveller's cheques.
4) may i have your account number?
5) we want to transfer the money to Canada.
6) you had better withdraw a small amount now.
7) you make me think hard.
8) i don't think she must follow his rules.
9) i would rather pay at once.
10) he wanted earn as much as possible.
11) i'd rather check all the bills myself.
12) you had better consult a manager.
- hello Bob.I recently read a very interesting book which was called Robin Hood.
- hello Max. I heard about this book a very lot,but i could not read it becouse it's not in the shool library.
- I was lucky, I bought this book in of bookstores.She is beautiful.If you want i can give it to you so that you could reat it.
- So i agreed. Thank you really helped me
- Not at all.I bring her at home today. You wiil be home?
- Today i will be a little busy.In my mum's birthday today.Let's meet in the park tomorrow.Ok?
- So okey.Goodbye Bob.
Мабуть, якщо говорити про мої улюблені салати, то одним з перших на думку спадає вінегрет. Цей салат з красивою французькою назвою нерідко з'являвся на нашому столі ще тоді, коли я була маленькою дівчинкою і зовсім не цікавилася кулінарією. Пройшли роки, але моя мама так само часто пригощає ним домочадців. Напевно, якби свого часу саме мама не прищепила мені любов до деяких страв, вони могли б так і не з'явитися тепер уже в моєму власному меню. Але, на щастя, все склалося вдало, а тому сьогодні я вважаю своєю улюбленою стравою саме вінегрет.
Варто відзначити, що, всупереч поширеній думці, цей салат зовсім не є старовинним російським блюдом і придуманий він був відносно недавно. Однак і тут існує кілька версій. За однією з них, вперше вінегрет був поданий ще Катерині Великій, яка, ледь спробувавши цю холодну страву, вигукнула: «Фі, ще й не грітий!». Так і народилася, а пізніше вже і закріпилася, його назва. Presumably, if to talk about my favourite салати, then one of the first a vinaigrette occurs to. This lettuce with the beautiful French name quite often appeared on our table yet then, when I was a little girl and quite not interested in cookery. Years passed, but my mother similarly often treats folks to them. Probably, if at one time exactly a mother did not instil to me love to some foods, they would so not appear now already in my own menu. But, fortunately, all shaped well, and that is why today I consider the favourite food exactly vinaigrette. It costs to mark that, despite widespread opinion, this lettuce quite not is the ancient Russian dish and he is thought of was relatively recently. However and here are a few versions. After one of them, first a vinaigrette was given yet to Kateryna Large, that, barely trying this cold food, exclaimed, : "Фі, yet and not warmed"!. It was so born, and later already and gained a foothold, his name.