When you greet someone in this part of the world, you should just say hello, you dont have to do some special gestures , but never be rude.During the conversation, you should .be self-confident and always answer your opponent”s questions.. , but don't laugh loudly. as this is considered rude. Use words like actually,me too and I love it . Thesepeople are very polite. As far as eating is concerned, always chew with closed mouth .. but never eat without waiting your friend . At the end of meal, don't run away very fast you must wait him. There are some subjects that you should avoid, such as politics and news. , but feel free to talk about internet or your hobbies. as all these are considered inapproprite. We'd also recomend you to smile and be polite .
Три котёнка — чёрный, серый и белый —
увидели мышь
и бросились за ней!
Мышь прыгнула в банку с мукой.
Котята — за ней! Мышь убежала.
А из банки вылезли три белых котёнка.
Три белых котёнка увидели на дворе лягушку и бросились за ней!
Лягушка прыгнула в старую самоварную трубу.
Котята — за ней!
Лягушка ускакала, а из трубы вылезли три чёрных котёнка.
Три чёрных котёнка увидели в пруду рыбу…
и бросились за ней!
Рыба уплыла,
а из воды вынырнули три мокрых котёнка.
Три мокрых котёнка пошли домой.
По дороге они обсохли и стали как были: чёрный, серый и белый.
2) She has long hair.
3) You haven't got a big nose.
4) Her mother hasn't got a big mouth.
5) His sister has small ears.
6) Your parents have short hair.