все отрезки получаются длиной 6 см
рассуждаем так: 8/4x3=6см
8/32x24=6 см
24/32=12/16 обратите внимание,что все дроби сокращаются и равны
What is just not invent young animators. And shapeless creation, able to speak, and inanimate objects that behave as if alive. Personally, I think it's disgusting. I do not like it.
What about my favorite character? They left us all a priori known cat Thomas of legendary cartoon "Tom and Jerry".
Despite the fact that the main purpose of this gray cat was to punish the little mischievous, a little mouse, he will always remain my favorite character. Incidentally, the cartoon is also one of my favorite cartoons.
Ты ходил в школу?
Did you play?
Ты играл?
Did they sign thr contract?
Они подписали контракт?
Did you wash your hands?
Ты помыл руки?