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Переведите письмо на много дорогой джон, за твое письмо. мне было интересно узнать как ты провел каникулы. я провела каникулы в городе. я много гуляла с друзьями. мы часто катались на велосипедах, ездили к озеру. также мы ездили к моему другу который к сожалению большую часть лета болел, и не мог гулять с нами. также я прочитала много интересных книг которые хотела прочитать весь учебный год. больше мне больше всего мне понравилась книга хирург. я думаю я хорошо провела время!

Dear John, thank you for your letter. I was interested to know how you spent the holidays. I spent the holidays in the city. I walked a Lot with friends. We often rode bikes, went to the lake. We also went to my friend, which unfortunately is most of the summer sick, and could not walk with us. Also I have read many interesting books that wanted to read the entire academic year. More I most of all I liked the book "the surgeon". I think I had a good time!
4,4(43 оценок)
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Doctor: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith! Come in and sit down, please.
Brian: Good afternoon!
Doctor: What is the matter?
Brian: I think, I've caught a cold.
Doctor: Could you describe the symptoms, please?
Brian: Well, my nose is running, I sneeze all the time, and I have a headache.
Doctor: Have you taken your temperature?
Brian: The temperature is normal.
Doctor: Uh-huh. And do you have a cough or a sore throat?
Brian: No, I don't, but I have sore eyes. And my eyes and nose often itch.
Doctor: Let me have a look at your throat... Well, everything is OK. And how long have you been having these symptoms?
Brian: For more than a week.
Doctor: And why didn't you come earlier?
Brian: Because I thought that I could treat it by myself.
Doctor: Are you taking any medicines?
Brian: I am drinking a lot of tea with lemon and honey and taking aspirin. But today I woke up with a strange red rash on my hands and legs. It disappeared in a few hours, but I decided to visit a doctor anyway.
Doctor: Have you ever been allergic to anything?
Brian: No, I haven't.
Doctor: I suppose you have an allergy to something. Do you have a cat or any other pets?
Brian: No, I don't.
Doctor: Then you may have an allergy to pollen.
Brian: So what shall I do?
Doctor: Take this medicine twice a day. It is an antihistaminic agent. And I strongly recommend you to do the allergic test.
Brian: Thank you very much! And where can I do the test?
Doctor: You can do the allergic test in our clinic in room number 17. It is open from Monday to Thursday from 8 to 12 in the morning. The results will be at the registration office in two days.
Brian: Thank you once again. Goodbye!
Doctor: Goodbye! Get well soon.


Доктор: Добрый день, мистер Смит! Проходите, садитесь
Брайан: Добрый день!
Доктор: На что жалуетесь?
Брайан: Кажется, я подхватил простуду.
Доктор: Не могли бы вы описать симптомы?
Брайан: Ну, у меня насморк. Я все время чихаю и у меня болит голова.
Доктор: Вы мерили температуру?
Брайан: Температура нормальная.
Доктор: Угу. А у вас есть кашель или боль в горле?
Брайан: Нет, но у меня воспалены глаза. Еще глаза и нос часто зудят.
Доктор: Дайте-ка взгляну на ваше горло... Так, все в порядке. А как долго у вас эти симптомы?
Брайан: Уже больше недели.
Доктор: Почему же вы не пришли раньше?
Брайан: Потому что думал, что сам смогу вылечиться.
Доктор: Вы принимаете какие-нибудь лекарства?
Брайан: Я пью много чая с медом и лимоном и принимаю аспирин. Но сегодня я проснулся со странной сыпью на руках и ногах. Она исчезла через несколько часов, но я все равно решил пойти к врачу.
Доктор: У вас никогда не было аллергии на что-нибудь?
Брайан: Нет, не было.
Доктор: Полагаю, у вас аллергия на что-то. У вас есть кошка или другие питомцы?
Брайан: Нет.
Доктор: Тогда у вас может быть аллергия на пыльцу.
Брайан: Так что же мне делать?
Доктор: Принимайте это лекарство два раза в день. Это антигистаминный препарат. И я строжайше рекомендую вам пройти аллерготест.
Брайан: Большое А где я могу пройти тест?
Доктор: Аллерготест вы можете пройти в нашей клинике в кабинете номер 17. Он открыт с понедельника по четверг с 8 до 12 часов утром. Результаты будут в регистратуре в течение двух дней.
Брайан: Еще раз вам До свидания!
Доктор: До свидания! Выздоравливайте.
4,8(80 оценок)
Economic growth.
 Economic growth is understood as long-term changes of real volume of the national production, connected with development of productive forces in a long-term time interval.
If all factors of production are used completely and with the greatest efficiency (the economy is on border of the production capabilities), the real output reaches the maximum value. It is so-called "potential output".
If production resources are used insufficiently effectively or not in full, the actual value of real output will be less potential.
The essence of economic growth consists in permission and reproduction at new level of the main contradiction of economy: between limitation of production resources and infinity of public requirements.
This contradiction can be resolved in two main ways:
– first, at the expense of increase in production capabilities;
– secondly, due to the most effective use of available production capabilities and development of public requirements.
However on it process doesn't come to the end: at each new stage of development at expansion of production capabilities not all public requirements are satisfied.
There are two main approaches to treatment of forms of manifestation of economic growth. As the most widespread the understanding of economic growth as total characteristic of development of national economy supports the certain period, measured or growth rates of real volume of GNP, or rates of increase in these indicators per capita. Now the second approach prevails.
Economic growth is meant as such development of national economy at which rates of increase in the real national income exceed growth rates of the population.
Considering economic growth from the point of view of interests of all society, it is possible to allocate its main objectives: increase of material well-being of the population and maintenance of national security.
Efficiency of economic growth is understood as improvement of all components of the many-sided concept "production efficiency".
Improvement of quality of goods and services, increase of their competitiveness, development of production of new goods, development of new technologies, increase in return concern to them from use of production resources, etc.
The concept "quality of economic growth" of the economic theory contacts strengthening of a social orientation of economic development of the country. The main components of quality of economic growth are:
– improvement of material well-being of the population;
– increase in free time;
– increase of a level of development of branches of social infrastructure;
– growth of investments into the human capital;
– safety of working conditions and life of people;
– social security jobless and disabled;
– maintenance of a full employment.
4,4(24 оценок)
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