1. Personal computers are a part of our lives.
2. They first entered people's homes in 1970's.
3. Nowadays computers affect our lives greatly.
4. Computers are used to write documents, to send e-mails, to look at websites, to get all sorts of information from the Internet.
5. Users can also buy different things and book tickets using their computers.
6. A lot of students study at home due to computers.
7. And, of course, people especially children like to play computer games, to watch films or sports competitons online.
8. Today there are different kinds of computers: laptops or notebook computers, palmtop computers.
9. In the recent years they have become smaller and lighter but more powerful in terms pf memory.
10. The most important thing about laptops is that they are portable.
11. I've got a computer too.
12. I use it for studying or for entertainment.
Reading for learning requires a conscious effort to make links, understand opinions, research and apply what you learn to your studies.
Everything we read tells us something about the person who wrote it. Paying close attention to how and why the author writes something will open ourselves up to their perspective on life, which in turn enriches our understanding of the world we live in.
For me books are important because they show you pathways in your life. More books one will read more one's mind will open up to different ideas. You will get to know different way to handle or tackle problems in your life.
Books guides you through the civilization. Books help you to understand the cultures and their evolution over time. Most important part is that books makes you a better man as they teach you norms of the society.