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1. сегодня вечером вылетел в лондон. мне нужно с ним, пока он не уехал. 2. он сказал, чтобы я позвонил ему, как только прибуду в аэропорт. 3. он сказал, что ему пора уходить и попрощался со всеми. 4. хирург сказал, что будет оперировать больного только в том случае, если его родные дадут на это согласие. 5. преподаватель сказал, что не будет экзаменовать нас, пока мы не сдадим курсовые работы. 6. сестра джеймса сказала, что не получает от брата никаких вестей с тех пор, как он переехал на новое место. 7. что, бэбс сказал, ему придется делать в случае, если его исключат из университета? 8. они тренировались около двух часов, пока, наконец, тренер не сказал, что пора сделать перерыв. 9. лорд уилкот сказал, что роберт сильно изменился с тех пор, как приезжал в последний раз. 10. ты все еще делаешь ? ведь осталось полчаса до начала игры, - ничего, я думаю, что закончу все до того, как начнется передача. 11. ты не знаешь, родители джека еще живы или умерли? - он умер за год до того, как джек женился. а джек, на сколько я помню, женился в 1995 году. значит отца нет в живых уже 5 лет. - отчего умер старик? - говорят, он умер от разрыва сердца. 12. я не знал, что твоя бабушка в больнице. давно она там? - ее отвезли в больницу два дня назад. - сколько времени она болела до того, как ее отправили в больницу? - она долго страдала от головной боли, но говорила, что чувствует себя хорошо, и не хотела, чтобы ее клали в больницу. но вот позавчера у нее был сердечный приступ, и мы вызвали врача. врач предложил отправить ее в больницу. он сказал, что ей будет хуже, если она останется дома. 13. он сказал, что едва узнает родной город. - неудивительно. последний раз он был здесь вскоре после войны. с тех пор многое переменилось. 14. когда твой брат окончил университет? - он его еще не окончил. он сейчас пишет дипломную работу. - давно он ее пишет? - нет, только что начал. но он сказал, что напишет ее ко дню своего рождения. 15. ты уже посмотрел газету? - подожди. я читал редакционную статью. - о чем там пишут? - вот уже три дня идет сессия парламента. сейчас приняли закон об охране окружающей среды. статья комментирует его.

1. The manager flew to London tonight. I need him before he leaves.
2. He told me to call him as soon as I arrived at the airport.
3. He said that it was time for him to leave and said goodbye to everyone.
4. The surgeon said that he would operate the patient only if his relatives give consent to this.
5. The instructor said that he will not examine us until we complete the coursework.
6. Sister James said that she has not received any news from her brother since he moved to a new location.
7. What, Babs said, would he have to do in case he was expelled from the university?
8. They trained for about two hours, until finally the coach said that it's time to take a break.
9. Lord Wilcot said that Robert has changed a lot since he came last.
10. Are you still doing your homework? After all, half an hour left before the start of the game, - Nothing, I think that I will finish everything before the transfer begins.
11. Do you know if Jack's parents are still alive or have died? "He died a year before Jack married." And Jack, as far as I remember, got married in 1995. So my father has been dead for 5 years. "Why did the old man die?" "They say he died of a heart attack."
12. I did not know that your grandmother was in the hospital. How long has she been there? "She was taken to the hospital two days ago." "How long had she been sick before she was sent to the hospital?" - She suffered for a long time from a headache, but said that she feels well, and did not want to be put in hospital. But the day before yesterday she had a heart attack, and we called a doctor. The doctor offered to send her to the hospital. He said that it would be worse for her if she stayed at home.
13. He said that he hardly knows his native city. - Not surprising. Last time he was here shortly after the war. Since then, much has changed.
14. When did your brother graduate from university? "He has not finished it yet." He is now writing a thesis. "How long has he been writing it?" - No, I just started. But he said that he would write it on the day of his birth.
15. Have you already looked at the newspaper? - Wait. I read an editorial. - What are they writing about? - For three days now there has been a session of the parliament. Now the law on environmental protection has been adopted. The article comments on it.
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1.I have finished my homework. Can I go out now.
2. I was ill three month ago.
3.My hobby is fishing. I have caught a lot of fish.
4. I played basketball when I was younger, but I don't play now.
5. I have already seen "Shrek"
6. Julie has been ill since Tuesday.
7.I haven't seen Josh since 1998.
8. We stayed at our grandparents for three days. We arrived home yesterday.
9. The dog went to sleep an hour ago.
10.I have had a cat for two years. Its (не it is) name is Willis.
11.I waited for a bus for twenty minutes. Then I decided to walk.
4,4(42 оценок)
The weather is sunny today. The celebration of this holiday was great.  The Olimpic Games will take place in Sochi in 2014. This writer was born in the 17th century.This ugly witch was very kind. Tom's decoration is nice. The day was rainy yesterday. We read useful information yesterday.Her uncle is a sailor. The book is difficult to read. It is easyless. What about your preparation for the exam? What a beautiful girl! Who is your favourite teacher? These words are so poetic. Tim is unhappy. He's lost his favourite toy. The pupils of this class are wonderful readers. American Indians were clever hunters. Let's have a peaceful evening at home. I can't buy this armcair. It is uncomortable. This doctor is an eye specialist. Ht is famous collector of toy cars.Nobody knows he collectes pictures. My grandparents are real travellers. We haven't understood this story. It is unfinished.Her explanation of this rule was succesful.The news is unimportant for us at all. The last winter was so snowy. Mr. Black is such a good speaker. Mary is a fust runner. Columbus was a famous discoverer.
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