Spain is one of the warmest countries in Western Europe. For Spain is characterized by very deep internal climatic differences, and it is only conditionally can be entirely attributed to the Mediterranean climatic region. In the far north-west the climate is mild and humid with weak fluctuations in temperature throughout the year and high rainfall. Constant winds from the Atlantic bring a lot of moisture, especially in winter, when the dominant misty and cloudy weather with drizzling rain, with little frost and snow. The average temperature of the coldest month is the same as in the north-west of France. Summers are hot and humid, average temperatures rarely below 16 degrees Celsius. Quite different conditions in the interior parts of the country - on the plateau of the Old and New Castile and Aragon plain. In these areas, the influence of plateau-hollow of a relief, a considerable height and the local continental air. In Old Castile and Aragon are quite plain cold winters with frosts and strong, harsh winds, hot summers and fairly dry, although the maximum precipitation occurs in this season of the year. In New Castile climate is slightly softer, with more warm in winter, but also with low rainfall. Agriculture in all these areas need irrigation/
University of Cambridge - one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the UK. Academic achievements Cambridge is known all over the world and are evidence of the intellectual potential of its students and faculty. The University was founded in 1209, and the first College with its own independent system - in 1284. Currently the University consists of 28 colleges, joint training and 3 women's College.The University has an internationally recognized reputation for outstanding academic achievements and high level of scientific research in various fields of knowledge, the brilliant evidence of which is the awarding of its scientists more than 80 Nobel prizes. The University has its own Constitution and is self-education with its own legislative body (Regent House) , 3 which includes thousands of teachers and administrative staff. Administrative authority of Cambridge is the Council and the General Board of the faculties co-ordinates the educational policy of the University that comprises more than 100 departments, faculties and schools. Today there are 18,000 students, about 17% of which were foreigners. More than half of students prefer the Humanities.
Согласно одной легенде, в первый день марта вышла на опушку леса красавица Весна, огляделась и увидела как на проталинке, в зарослях терновника пробивается из-под снега подснежник. Она решила ему и начала расчищать вокруг землю, освобождая его от колючих ветвей. Зима увидела это и рассвирепела. Взмахнула руками, призвала холодный ветер со снегом, чтобы уничтожить первоцвет. Слабый цветок поник под жестоким ветром. Но Весна прикрыла руками росток и укололасьтерновником. Из её пораненной руки упала капля горячей крови, и цветок ожил. Так Весна победила Зиму. Цвета мэрцишора символизируют её красную кровь на белом снегу.