I study at Russian school.There are 200 students in my school.I am at 4th grade.There are 30 students in my class.I love my class very much.My favorite subjects are English and math. I don't like literature because it's boring.
Забудте обо всём реальном и окунитесь в фантастический мир с Диснейлэнд Токио Прокатитесь на Круизе из Джунглей, исследуйте крошечные миры, покатайтесь на водных горках на Сплаш Моунтэйне и поешьте домашнюю еду в Кухоньке бабушке Сары Прежде чем вернуться в реальность убедитесь что вы: -Поздоровались за руки со своими любимыми мультипликационными персонажами -исследовали дом с приведениями и увидели призраков -вы летали с питером пеном на пиратском корабле по ночному небу - вы ездили на Тунтаунской амереканской горке - вы отправились в путешествие на ракете в Старджете
1.Yesterday in 5 hours I read the newspaper. 2 on Sunday from 2 to 4 we worked in the garden 3 we studied English all day 4 when I called him, he was preparing for the lessons 5 we went to the library, when she met us 6 what were you doing last Saturday night from 5 hours to 7 hours? 7 when I wrote the letter, he did the exercise in English 8 we were watching TV, and they listened for 9 during lunch he read the newspaper 10 it was already dark when they came out of the woods 11 where you worked today at 9 o'clock in the morning? 12 I was waiting for you from 3 to 4 and then left
I don't like literature because it's boring.