Editorial staff of the Morpet newspaper
ul.Orlovskaya 14-13
8 May 2013
Dear Sir,
In connection with the article in your newspater I write to you.
I`d like to express my dissatisfaction about exhibition.
It is with great sadness that I inform you about it isn`t corresponds to the standards of all the norms and the entrance is very expensive.Please, think about lowering prices for a tickets.It will be wonderfull! And I strongly recommend to take care about sanitary and safety norms.
The following pages will give you an idea of the decision of many problems of your editorial Board.
I hope you will be able to assist me in this matter.
With thanks,
Yulia Kozar.
How old are you? (Сколько тебе лет?) - I'm 30. (Мне 30 лет, если у вас в профиле стоит правильный возраст, если нет, пишите сколько вам лет)
Can you sing? (Вы умеете петь?) - Yes, I can.(Да,умею) или No, I can't (Нет, не умею)
Can you dance? (Вы умеете танцевать?) - Yes, I can.(Да,умею) или No, I can't(Нет,не умею).
Can you play chess?(Вы умеете играть в шахматы?) - Yes, I can. (Да,умею) или No, I can't (Нет, не умею)
Have you got a pet? (У вас есть домашнее животное?) - Yes? I have. (Да, есть) No, I haven't. (Нет)
Hello, Harry, wonderful day, isn't it?
really wonderful, nice and warm. What's the weather forecast for tomorrow? Do you know?- Yes, it says it will be hot and sunny.
very good. Nice weather for picnic.
you are right
would you like to come with us?
that's a great idea!