get - got
be - was/were
meet - met
do - did
help - helped
tidy - tidied
wash - washed
go - went
iron - ironed
smile - smiled
write - wrote
have - had
make - made
come - came
stay - stayed
send - sent
hurry - hurried
cry - cried
say - said
take - took
buy - bought
reply - replied
want - wanted
know - knew
see - saw
wait - waited
dance - danced
ride - rode
visit - visited
speak - spoke
take - took
were, helped, made, tidied, ironed, cleaned, prepared, did, went, took, wrote, went, bought, baked, cooked, had, came, was, had, watched, read, went, met, had, got
We didn't made our beds, tide our rooms and iron our clothes
Mu sister didn't prepare spaghetti for lunch
After lunch I did'nt washing-up
My sister didn't take a bath
Our dad didn't have a busy day at work
We both didn't have a great time and got home
When you helped your mum at home yesterday?
Who did the washing up after lunch?
Where you went for a walk with your dog in the afternoon?
What happend when you had dinner?
my favorite sport is weightlifting. Because this is a huge chance to become strong, beautiful, and healthy. In weightlifting, we swing our arms by lifting heavy dumbbells, swing our abs, and much more. do more sports and you will always be strong
мой любимый вид спорта это тяжёлая атлетика. Потому что это огромный шанс стать сильным, красивым, и здоровым . На тяжёлой атлетике мы качаем руки поднимая тяжёлые гантели , качаем пресс и многое другое. занимайтесь спортом попольше и будете всегда силными
Dicky Soames was his wife's cousin who was known to have been in love with Adela once.
And each time, though Arthur knew that the letters were to be handed to Adela, he tore them to pieces and threw them into the fire without reading them.
He did not want Adela to be disturbed by Dicky's letters, so he explained it to himself at the time.
You see, I am here because I have some business to discuss with your wife."
Dicky for some reason or other seemed to be uncomfortable.
How kind of Uncle Tom to have thought of us.
Arthur was too delighted to notice that Dicky looked still more uncomfortable, but now he noticed it at last.
He said he expected his letter to be answered, and changed his will, leaving Adela's part to hospitals.
Shortly before his death I spoke to him again saying that the will needed to be rewritten, but he said he was too weak to be troubled with such matters or to tell what to do and he did not want the will to be changed."
Dicky stopped and gave Arthur a look that made him to be feeling quite weak.
Adela faced Dicky: "They were sure to be lost in the post," and she took her husband's ice-cold hand.
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