I have spent my weekend on the isle of Wight with family. First I tried to climb a tree and take a coconut. But when I climbed, I fell down. After I tried to play volleyball with mom and dad. After few minutes the ball was in the water. I wanted to do something with internet, but when I took the phone, there was no battery in it. I didn't know what to do. I sat and looked on the sea. I was tired and bored. Then I fell asleep.
The next day,when I woke up, I was at home. I didn't understand what happened with me.
Я провёл выходные на острове Уайт с семьёй. Сначала я попытался залезть на дерево и взять кокос. Но когда поднялся,я упал. После попробовал поиграть в волейбол с мамой и папой. Через несколько минут мяч оказался в воде. Я хотел что-то сделать с интернетом, но когда брал телефон, в нём не было батареи. Я не знала, что мне делать. Я сидел и смотрел на море. Я устал и мне было скучно. Потом я заснул.
На следующий день, когда я проснулся, я был дома. Я не понял, что со мной произошло.
1. Sam was reading a book when he came across some new words.
2. Nick became a popular singer. Now everybody knows him.
3. When Jane was cooking a dinner, she suddenly cut her finger.
4. Victoria will call you if she needs your help.
5. What are you doing tonight?
6. Sorry, I forgot my copybook at home.
7. Next month there won't be any public events.
8. Columbus was trying to find India when he found America.
9. Last year a lot of firms went bankrupt...
10. Look! It's raining.
11. I have had this phone for 5 years.
12. In the stores there are empty shelves: people bought all the buckweat, pasta and flour.
13. Gregory can't join his family in Europe
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your letter. You asked me to tell you about my trip to St.Petersburg in summer. I went there with my family. We stayed in a nice hotel in the city centre. Luckily the weather was fine and we had long walks around the city.
We did a lot of sightseeing. We visited Hermitage and Russian Museum, because my mother is fond of arts. Personally I found the ship 'Avrora' the most exciting place. I had read much about it and was happy to see it with my own eyes. The city impressed me really!
Well, I must go now. My Mom wants me to help her.
Write back soon.
Best wishes,