Составь и запиши предложения i, you, he/she, it, we, they. like, likes. to 1 sing and dance well 2 live in the forest 3 play tennis 4 read books at home 5 skip in the park 6 visit green school 7 go home together
1 I like to sing and dance well 2 It likes to live in the forest 3 He likes to play tennis 4 She likes to read books at home 5 You like to skip in the park 6 We like to visit green school 7 They like to go home together
Works!Do not worry, uncle Fedor, there are such boys! - No, we are not going to sell. We go treasure to find. - Hurrah! And that is - "the warehouse"? This galchonok I ruble Olympic stole. It should be in the clinic to donate. For experiments. - Who's there? - It is I, the postman Pechkin! Brought a note about your boy! - And my health is not very. The aching legs, the tail falls off. - What increased? - Shaggy. It is now winter in the snow to sleep. - If we crazy - not both. Crazy go alone. It's just the flu all together sick. Oh, and I did not know that cats are so smart. I thought they were only in the trees can scream. - Think of it... I have to embroider can. And, m-m-m... too... I say DRINK it! - Your milk has nowhere to go. All of the buckets all the pots with milk are busy.A to wash as? - And so! - How? - Have less to get dirty! Anyway, some of the language wash. Это трое в прастоквашено
1)I'm not against communication, but if you want you can ignore me. 2)I often ignore. 3)If I still do not answer, I went for coffee or ate, or I write manga, in general, busy 4) ln skype, I'm only sitting with people I know very well. 5) If you deleted me from your friends - tell me about it, do not do it for no reason! 6. Do not insult me, I will be sad .. 7. Do not take my photos without demand, if necessary - ask. (Because they are usually processed by me). 8) Do not ask too many questions. (It irritates me) 9) Apply to me for "you", I'm only 15! 10. Do not beg for "+ rep", I write as I please. 11. Call me to play! : D 12. You can safely turn to me for help, I do not bite ^^ 13. Do not spam, and do not throw suspicious links, I know all kinds of fraud.
If you do not follow these rules, then ... nothing will happen) 0) (But this is not exact) ((Exactly))
2 It likes to live in the forest
3 He likes to play tennis
4 She likes to read books at home
5 You like to skip in the park
6 We like to visit green school
7 They like to go home together