John is ten years old. He has got fair hair. He hasn't fleckles. He lives in Kyiv. His mother and father are from Great Britain. John speaks English and he studies Ukrainian. He is good at reading and speaking, but he isn't very good at writing. He just learns. John wants to be a manager like his father. He often plays computer games. He also enjoys swimming and playing football with his friends. John doesn't like tennis. At the weekend he meets his friends and they spend a lot of time together.
Детективы развивают логическое мышление.
Книга может заменить путешествие.
Человек сильнее судьбы.
Детей нужно приучать к самостоятельности с детства.
Характер формирует в большей степени окружение, чем гены.
Человек - единственная разумная форма жизни на Земле.
Через 10 лет будут использоваться только возобновляемые источники энергии.
Старое всегда кажется лучше нового.