8. the picture by a friend of my mothers.
a. is painting
b. is painted
c. was painting d. was painted
9. detroit as the first capital city of michigan, but now lansing is the capital city of
a. chosen
b. was chosen
c. have been chosen
10. he for a week already.
a. hasn't seen b. hasn't been seen c. saw
11. the bank robber by the local police
a. have been arrested b. have arrested c. was arrested
12. my book already? i can't wait any more.
a. was published b. have published c. has published
13. many accidents by dangerous driving.
a. caused
b. are caused
c. have been caused
14. my room at the moment i arrived.
a. was being cleaned b. was cleaned c. is being cleaned
15. this clock in.now. dis partou
was antin
1. de a. repair le list capita bilis repairingan, but c. is being repaireditat
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the king or Queen is the head of state. Currently, it is Queen Elizabeth II. (However, the monarch has very little power and can only rule with the support of Parliament.) Queen Elizabeth II married Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten. Now he is called Prince Philip, (Duke of Edinburgh). Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, (Duke of Edinburgh) have four children. Queen Elizabeth II and her children are known as the home and family of Windsor. Charles, Prince of Wales, is the eldest son in the Royal family. In 1981, he married Lady Diana Spencer. They have two sons, Prince William and Prince Henry. (The Royal family remains officially the home of the Windsor.) In 2011, Prince William married Miss Catherine Middleton. Now they have the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Соединенное Королевство является конституционной монархией. Это означает, что главой государства является король или королева. В настоящее время это королева Елизавета II. (Однако монарх имеет очень мало власти и может править только при поддержке парламента.) Королева Елизавета II вышла замуж за лейтенанта Филиппа Маунтбеттена. Теперь его зовут Принц Филипп, (герцог Эдинбургский). У королевы Елизаветы II и принца Филиппа, (герцога Эдинбургского) четверо детей. Королева Елизавета II и ее дети известны как дом и семья Виндзор. Чарльз, Принц Уэльский, старший сын в королевской семье. В 1981 году женился на Леди Диане Спенсер. У них два сына, принц Уильям и принц Гарри. Королевская семья официально остается домом Виндзоров. В 2011 году принц Уильям женился на Мисс Кэтрин Миддлтон. Теперь они имеют титул герцога и герцогини Кембриджских.