Nowadays, almost every home has access to the Internet. We use the Internet for various purposes: gaining necessary information, taking part in communities, and even making money.
In my opinion, modern life can hardly be imagined without the world-wide web. The Internet can be helpful to everybody, including students. Firstly, students can use the Internet for learning purposes. I suppose that it is the strongest reason why they should get access to the Internet. Thousands websites place a mass of good information at the disposal of any person interested in mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages, etc. Many school teachers create special resources for their students. Secondly, the Internet offers a wide range of leisure opportunities. You can get in touch with your friends and send them e-mail messages, picture-cards, photos. You can make new friends from the whole world. The Internet offers a wonderful solution to the problem of loneliness.
Theme Park offers rides, parades and shows. Not to miss out on something special, fresh and current, it is recommended to stock up on all of the submissions — it is updated daily. The program, and along with map of the Park can be obtained at the information Desk. It is a stone's throw from the entrance to city hall on Main street. Programs are offered in six languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian. Another information Desk is located in the Central square.
Every day at 15.00 on the Main street is the Grand parade of fairy tale characters and cartoons: Aladdin, Princesses and other favorites. In the evenings the same characters parade in outfits from light bulbs. The day ends with musical fireworks.
Euro Disneyland is traditionally divided into five main zones — countries:
Main street — Main street USA — the epitome of the American city of the nineteenth century. Here is the station where the train around the Park and on the street goes the real competition.