школьные знания.com яке у тебе питання? 5 - 9 язык 5+3 б нам по задали тему как ты провёл это лето попроси пояснень слідкувативідзначити порушення! alisa6815 31 хвилина тому відповіді та пояснення julajalapehjt4 · середнячок знаєте відповідь? додайте її тут! grigorijtimcukpehlbm новичок i think summer is the best season of all because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest. summer is a time of holidays. we can go anywhere, spend our time near a river or a lake on fresh, green grass, swim in warm water, or climb mountains, play different games, ride a bicycle and so on. i spend my summer holidays at my granny’s. there are many things there to do. what i did most of the time - i swam in the sea and sunbathed. sometimes i made a fire with my friends at the seaside and cooked potatoes there. it was wonderful. we told anecdotes to each other, and did everything we wanted. i also got used to walk alone in the forest.
• How do you arrange your birthday party?
Key words:
to accept - to adopt, receive
honour - great respect for smth/to show great respect
to encourage - to give smb support
to refuse - not to accept
unfulfilled - not carried out or completed
impatiently - having no patience
to arrange - organize, plan, schedule
terrific - excellent, wonderful
CW. Look through the Languange Focus box and make up a dialogue on Birthday Party. Answer the questions.
1. When and where is the party?
2. What does the person who accepts the invitation say?

3. What reason does he/she give?
4. What does the person who refuses the invitation say?
Language focus
Inviting peopleAccepting invitationRefusing an invitation1. What are you doing at the weekend?1. I’d love to!
That would be lovely!
Thank you!1. Thank you very much!
But ... .
I’m afraid ...2. Would you like to ?2. Thank you! I’d like to come very much!2. I’d love to, but I.3. I’d like to see you..3. I’d really like to come! That sounds great/fun/terrific/ wonderful!3. I’d really like to, but. You can give reasons for refusing:
I am looking after my baby sister.
Agil: What are you doing this weekend?
Fidan: I haven’t decided yet about my plan.
Agil: I’m having a party. I’d love to invite you to waltz . Would you accept my invitation to come to my party?
Fidan: I’d love to. I’d never refuse your request.
Agil: Hope, we’ll have a chance to waltz, too.
2. Usually go
3. Do you often go
4. I am hardly ever writting
5. Kate and Laura play hockey... sometimes.
6. Max and I ask to help... rarely