Substitution of Peter the great.When Peter was in Europe in the "Great Embassy" took him, and his place was taken by "decoy" Peter.Before departure, he always wore a Russian Kaftan was very competent, beautiful young man, and arrived all pale and lumpy. The sight of Peter was, like, 40 years. All the clothes and shoes he had to alter, because even the foot size changed. Warm relationship with the people he changed to cold hypocrisy and a visit to Russia, he never wore anything Russian.Look Peter is different, that you can easily check by looking at his portraits of different times. For 2 years he has completely forgotten how to write in Russian and spoke it with difficulty.With the arrival of the "new" Peter began to spend quite a strange reform. One of these was to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Earlier people were only drinking honey liqueur and beer, and Smoking in General is considered a sin. One of the notable reforms was the introduction of serfdom. It's pretty funny, since one of the goals of the trip to Europe was to look for free work of people.Even the "new" king began to collect all the literature of the country of making copies. Here only copies he made, and the originals disappeared. There was even a community of monks who refused to give his books, and he fought with them.During the Embassy, Peter was actively texting with his wife eudoxie. After his arrival in 1698, Peter arrives and, not Vidyas with it immediately banishes her to a convent. Son of Peter, Alexis, pseudo-Peter sends away from himself. The people talking that the Emperor isn't real.Each king, from generation to generation, passed down the secret location of the great Library of Ivan the terrible. New Peter "accidentally" forgot, where the main mystery of the country. But Sophia, sister of Peter, which he also sent to the monastery, not only knew where the library, but even went there with this Peter, but the new did not.In Europe, with the present Peter has left 200 people, but only one returned. It was Alexander Menshikov. After his arrival he began to titles and estates, and not only in Russia but throughout the world, but he was just an Advisor Petro. He is the only nobleman who was made a Duke and he's the only Russian, who in 1714 became a member of the Royal society of London. And a confirmation letter signed by the Isaac Newton. Menshikov himself was in charge of the Treasury, and in fact, he became the ruler of the Russian Empire. It Menshikov invited the wife of Peter and Catherine, which was managed and directed it.After the death of Peter, son of Alexei, 14-year-old grandson of Peter trying to become a ruler, but the wife of Alexei dies shortly after birth, and later a daughter and a son. Romanov left.What happened to the real Peter? There is a legend about a prisoner in the iron mask.Prisoner in the iron (actually, velvet) mask actually existed and it appears just in 1698. The surviving description of the prisoner, he was not a Frenchman, a young, aristocratic gentleman..
October 29, 1978 on the shore of the wonderful lake Imandra at the end of the avenue Zhdanov was opened a monument in honor of Monchegorsk, who died during the Great Patriotic War. The authors are the Moscow sculptor Korolev Victor Efremovich, a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, the architect - Gorelik Mark Tevelievich, the head of the architectural group of the Monchegorsk branch of the Gipronickel Institute. The monument is a 13-meter-high stele, at the foot of which there are two figures - a sailor and a soldier.
Sculptures were cast from bronze at the Mytishchi plant of art casting. The city's Komsomol organization acted as the initiator of the creation of such a monument. Komsomol members earned money to build a monument on subbotniks, listing part of their salary, handing scrap metal, waste paper and even mushrooms and berries! Many Monchegorskites followed the patriotic example of youth. The workers of the Kolstroy Trust took part in the construction of the monument, the industrial complex manufactured blocks, the Severonickel Combine - stone tiles for facing.the whole city participated in the implementation of a noble idea - to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the Arctic. Perhaps the most magnificent monument built on the territory of Monchegorsk is dedicated to the defenders of the Arctic. It is a 13-meter stele with two figures, located at its foot - a sailor and a soldier. The monument appeared here in 1978 on the initiative of the Komsomol organization, which raised funds for its construction. The stela was created by the Moscow sculptor V. Korolev and local architect M. Gorelik.
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