1) laughter - laugh - laughable
2) criticism - criticise - critical
3) grief - grieve - grievous
4) heat - heat - hot
5) darkness - darken - dark
6) drama - dramatize - dramatic
7) terrorism - terrorise - terroristic
8) variety - vary - various
9) advice - advise - advisory
10) life - live - live
11) sharpener - sharpen - sharp
12) origin - originate - original
13) agreement - agree - agreeable
14) poverty - become poor - poor
15) number - number - numeric
16) addition - add - additional
17) weakness - weaken - weak
18) guide - guide - guiding
19) mix - mix - mixed
20) congratulation - congratulate - congratulatory
21) continuation - continue - continuous
22) denial - deny - deniable
23) argument - argue - arguable
24) failure - fail - failed
25) observation - observe - observational
26) possession - possess - possessive
4) Complete the sentences with the verb travel in the correct tense.
1. Vincent travels abroad twice a month.
2. He has traveled a lot since 2005.
3. He was traveling as much before 2005.
4. He has traveled to Tokyo in a couple of hours.
5. He will travel so much next year.
5) Find and correct five sentences that are wrong.
1. Our local supermarket is opening at 10.00 a.m. on Sundays.
2. Buses leave to the city every half an hour (1)
3. Anita never wears trousers.
4. I don't understand what you mean (2)
5. While he was staying with us, Paul waked up before dawn every morning (3)
6. Sam prefers driving to being a passenger.
7. Who do these books belong to?
8. It’s a mess! They haven’t tidied up yet. (4)
9. Don’t believe a word what he says (5)
10. Lucy has been working very hard lately –she’s been handing in three essays this week
6) Choose the correct answer.
1. Victoria will be working from home for the next few weeks.
b) will be working
2. ‘Hi, Charles! Are you busy?’‘No, not at all. I've watched TV. I’ll switch it off now.
a) ’ve just watched
3. Hi, Tom! I haven’t seen you for ages. What have you done for the past couple of months?
b) have you done
4. ‘How come you’re so fit?’‘I work out a lot recently.’
a) work out
1) There is some milk on the floor.
2) No one is at the door.
3) Has anyone/someone here got a red pencil?
4) I met him sometime before.
5) There isn't any in that room.
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