Короче, фиг знает, что тебе тут надо, задание сформулировано непонятно, но вот:
Clothes: bracelet, tie, tights
Hair: dyed, spiky
Make-up: eye-liner, mascara
Jewellery: piercing
Expression/posture: crouching, moody
1) This is Ann.
Ann has dyed hair and bracelets on her hands.
2) This is Ben.
Ben has short spiky hair and crouching posture.
3) This is Mary.
Mary wears tights and she uses eye-liner.
4) This is Henry.
Henry wears a tie and he always has moody expression.
5) This is Sandra.
Sandra uses mascara and she has a piercing in her eyebrow.
Look! Shi IS doING shopping!
( Смотри! Она делает покупки!) то есть прямо сейчас.
На то, что действие происходит сейчас, указывают вс слова: now, look...
Местоимения + to be
l = AM