N Buddhism and Hinduism, it's primarily a symbol of good luck.Она широко распространена в индуизме и буддизме.It's widely used in Hinduism, Buddhism.И третье, ты никогда не будешь учить меня об индуизме и моей индийской культуре.And third, you are never allowed to lecture me On hinduism or my indian culture.Язык мимики и жестов в индуизме и буддизме.The symbolic language of gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism.Хотя в кастовой системе Южной Азии четко прослеживается тесная связь с ведическими предписаниями в индуизме, в других случаях не столь ясно, имеется ли какая-либо взаимосвязь между религиозными традициями и дискриминацией по родовому происхождению.While in the case of the caste system of South Asia, there is a strong association with Vedic prescriptions in Hinduism, it is less clear in other cases whether there is a link between religious traditions and descent-based discriminatio
1)В деревне горел дом,пожарные начали его тушить-In wood horel home, started to appear pazharnыe ego stew 2)На даче мы жарили на гриле шашлык-At the cottage zharyly We grilled shashlыk 3)Я маме жарить картофель-I pomohal mame fry potatoes 4)Мы с бабушкой любим готовить на пару пищу-We babushkoy beloved village prepares for a couple pyschu 5)Мама учила меня варить суп-My mother taught me cooking soup 6)Я очень люблю запекать рыбу-I love Very zapekat rыbu 7)Я люблю лежать у бабушки в деревни на печи-I like to lie in Babushka Charcoal on pechy
1. We’re going to' have a test on the 3rd of December. Some of my friends are coming this evening and we’re going to revise the grammar rules for the test. 2. “Could you come to see me on Saturday evening?” “I’d love to.” 3. We live in a block of flats in the centre of Leningrad. Our flat’s on the ground floor. There are three rooms in it. 4. There isn’t a table in the middle of our living-room. The table’s in the corner. There’s a piano to the left of the table and a small table with a radio set on it to the right. 5. My daughter likes (loves) playing the piano.' Some of her friends often come to listen to her in the evening. 6. "Where’s the Ministry of Foreign Trade?” “Go to the right. It’s on the corner of the street." 7. I’m going to speak with him over the telephone tonight. 8. What did you hear on the radio yesterday? 9. When I watch TV or listen to the radio I usually sit in my new arm-chair, it’s very comfortable. 10. What can you see in this picture?