Today the English language has a status of a lingua franca. Whenever you meet someone from another country, in case you don't know their native language, you try to communicate in English. And learning it at school is very beneficial for several reasons.
Firstly, you are young enough to quickly absorb everything that was said. It's easier to pick up a language while you're still a kid, rather than in adulthood. Secondly, you have a lot of time - whole 11 years! - to learn the language, so when you grow up you will already speak fluently. You won't look for cheap courses, because you had the chance to do that earlier and (probably) for free!
Though, I don't want to stop. Next language I want to learn is French. It's very beautiful and also widespread in various countries. To achieve that, I need to work hard and even make it a habit, so I would start doing it on a daily basis.
1. Фермер должен немедленно отделить больное животное от других животных в стаде.
2. Национальная племенная ассоциация должна ежегодно публиковать официальные записи о породистых лошадях и собаках.
3. В последние десятилетия некоторые виды животных имели переехать в новые места и адаптироваться к новым условиям окружающей среды.
4. Все животные и птицы, из которых вывозятся животные, должны находиться под строгим карантинным режимом в течение некоторого периода времени, чтобы предотвратить заражение.
5. Некоторые симптомы, такие как: высокая температура или жар, могут быть замечены даже неспециалистом.
1) Lilia has difficulty.
2) They always have fun and never give up.
3) Pupils have holidays every year.
4) He often has fight and make problems for his parents.
5) I have day off on Sunday.
6) I haven't got to talk with you.
7) I haven't conversation with people like her.
8) She has not any accidents.
9) Anna has not got chat with him.
10) Children usually have not got troubles.
Present Continuous
1) I am having a good time with my friends.
2) She is having a good jorney.
3) Kate is having a good trip.
4) That spy is having an operation.
5) Lucy is having a bad time.
6) I am not having a good evening now.
7) Jake and Ellie are not having word with somebody
8) Fortunately, they are not having a row.
9) Bruno is not having quarrel with anybody.
10) Helen is not having a good flight.