Felt boots The boots are made of warm felt or wool. Previously, they were quite expensive, and only rich people could buy them. Valenki became very popular only in the first half of the XIX century. Today almost every Russian family has felt boots. Hat with ear flaps A fur hat - a fur hat - is a very popular winter hat in Russia. The headdress was made of sheepskin. Very warm!
Samovar A unique Russian invention is the Tula samovar for boiling water. The process of making a samovar is very complicated. It includes twelve operations. Drinking tea from samovar is a good Russian tradition when people gather with their relatives and friends around the table.
We became friends when I moved to a new school. She helped me settle here. It is always fun and comfortable. We just found a common language. It took about three years as we were friends. We are already dreaming about joint trips. We spend a lot of time together. Except that we see each other every day at school, we love hanging out together, going to the movies, play badminton and we can talk for hours. We are trying to avoid conflict, but still sometimes quarrel with each other. But no matter what she is always willing to stand up for me.