1)оливер кромвель (1599-1658) родился в небогатой дворянской семье, где получил строгое пуританское воспитание. жил в . в молодые и зрелые годы вёл обычный образ жизни среднего землевладельца, семьянина ( у него было 6 детей). его жизнь и деятельность протекала в эпоху революции 1640-1660 годов. был решительно настроенным индепендентом.
1) Sharon thought David was out of town, but she ran into him at the cinema . 2) He almost ran over a cat yesterday when it jumped in front of his car. 3) We have run out of sugar. - I will go and buy some. 4) He has almost run over the neighbours cat. 5) I hope we wont run out of petrol before we get home! 6) I ran into Eddie in the supermarket yestarday. 7) Most cars run on unleaded petrol. 8) The robber tried to run away from the police but he didnt manage to. 9) My cat got run over by a car yesterday. 10) Guess what? I ran into Ivan at the library today.
#1. Good-better-the best. Nice-nicer-the nicest. Loud-louder-the loudest. Cute-cuter-the cutest. Thin-thinner-the thinnest. Strong-stronger-the strongest. Bad-worse-the worst. Kind-kinder-the kindest. Angry-angrier-the angriest. Warm-warmer-the warmest. #2. 1) c 2)b 3)b 4)b 5)a 6)b 7)b #3 Good,friendly,best,taller. #4 Sam is kind dog. Winter is colder than spring. Monkeys are cleverer than rabbits. July is the hottest month of all. Her picture is worse than Henry’s. Dogs are funnier than mice. #5 2)lazest 3)shiest 4)slowest 5)funnier 6)the prettiest 7)best