End the oil age. As was the stone age, which lasted until all the stones are not over. (actually, no) Oil as fuel for personal vehicles may end relatively soon as will rise in price gasoline and to improve the quality, convenience, pervasiveness and price of substitutes (and it's not only about biofuels, Skype is also a substitute for oil, which burns, coming to a personal meeting). Other vehicles (planes, ships, military equipment), may last longer, even with a very high price, because oil is a very good store of energy. But even when and if oil will disappear as a fuel, it will remain an important element of the economy as a raw material for the chemical industry. And if you already to do this, it will be too little and too inaccessible locations and types, it will remain in the ground, under water and so on, and mankind will move to other energy sources and polymers.
6. «вы были щедростью с вашими кузенами, - сказал учитель.7. «мойра всегда приходит домой на ужин, - сказал мистер коллинз.8. «каждый взял меня за моего брата-близнеца и вел себя соответственно», - сказал том.9. «я спросил у профессора несколько вопросов», - сказала нелли.10. «моя мать хочет знать, завтра вы приедете к ней, - сказала она.11. врач сказал: «вам придется оставаться в постели еще пять дней».12. инструктор отметил: «только лучшие игроки могут участвовать в олимпийских играх».13. он сказал: «мне было трудно убедить ее приехать сюда».14. мейбл сказала: «как только вы придете в наш город, посетите мой дом.15. «вы можете решить эту проблему без какой-либо внешней , - сказала моника джесс.
I`d like to vote for (i`d like to vote for) putin, because he has much (to many) experience. he is recognize as a (is/are recognize as) good president for our country, which supported by people. he has been around (has/have been around for) many foreign countries, putin is a part of (part of) government, russia, its inseparable part. thats why i would vote for him. перевод: я бы проголосовал(а) за путина, потому что он имеет большое количество опыта. он признан хорошим президентом для нашей страны, поддерживаемый людьми. он был во многих зарубежных странах. путин часть правительства, россии, ее неотъемлемая часть. вот почему я бы проголосовал(а) за него.
Oil as fuel for personal vehicles may end relatively soon as will rise in price gasoline and to improve the quality, convenience, pervasiveness and price of substitutes (and it's not only about biofuels, Skype is also a substitute for oil, which burns, coming to a personal meeting). Other vehicles (planes, ships, military equipment), may last longer, even with a very high price, because oil is a very good store of energy. But even when and if oil will disappear as a fuel, it will remain an important element of the economy as a raw material for the chemical industry. And if you already to do this, it will be too little and too inaccessible locations and types, it will remain in the ground, under water and so on, and mankind will move to other energy sources and polymers.