1.I am going to read this book
2. He is going to do his homework
3. She is going to help her mom
4. I am going to play computer games with my friend
5. My mom is going to clean the flat
6. She is going to try Japanese food
7. We are going to play football
8. They are going to sleep in a tent
9. I am going to clean my room
10. Jhon is going to travel to France
11. He is going to come home
12. My classmates are going to do to school
13. They are going to help us
14. He is going to go to the cinema
15. Kate is going to learn Korean language
16. I am going to wear this coat
17. We are going to see our friend
18. My best friend is going to play computer games with his brother
Good day! Thank you for taking the time to visit our presentation. We are very happy to see you. My name is Ekaterina Tarasova, I am the Director of producing hand-made dolls "puppeteer." Our presentation is devoted to the new series of hand-made dolls "Emelya". I would like to tell you a bit about our factory, its activities, achievements and prospects. Our factory was founded in 2008 in the city of Syktyvkar. "Puppeteer" is one of the few companies that produce similar goods in the country. We produce clean and safe product. The first two years we had one store, after we made a web site and sell dolls online, but the demand was so great that within three years we opened seven stores across the country. When you create a new collection, we discussed with the authors of the general aspects of the dolls, the main artist draws images of dolls, then craftsmen in all regions already embody sketches to life. Each doll author is working to the most subtle nuances. The result is a doll with your mood, distinct personalities. I would like to tell you about our new line of hand-made dolls "Emelya". The creation of this collection was inspired by Russian - Fairy Tales. We have tried to bring together all the prominent characters of fairy tales in our collection, such as: Alenka and her brother Ivan, Emelya, Baba Yaga, Koschei the Immortal, and other characters. Artists "puppeteers" could even negative characters portray not sinister, but rather cute. Collectible doll, justifying its name in the first place is, of course, subject to collecting. This elegant interior detail, which will certainly enliven and decorate absolutely any room, will bring a special atmosphere and comfort. Let me tell you about our prospects. Our business has been very profitable. Our desire to create unique dolls coincided with the desire of consumers to purchase our creation, even in larger quantities than we expected. Since the product is in high demand, state workers have to constantly increase. In the coming year we plan to open three stores. Now, I want to appeal to the young, creative and ambitious artists. We would be glad to have you as our dolls authors of "puppeteer." Here you can fulfill your potential, and experienced colleagues always help you. Thank you very much for your attention, I'd be happy to answer your questions!
Раз ты так восхищаешься Джонни, то информацию о нем основную знаешь. Хорошо. Сейчас ее надо лишь распределить не то, чтобы компактно, но и логично.
Для начала лучше его представить: что это за шишка и где же его все видели. Начни с известных и не очень фактов:
Jonny is the great (род деятельности. Он актер, как я помню. Значит, actor), that was born in (дата рождения).
План не совсем точный. Самостоятельно составлен?
Тогда внесу небольшую правку в содержании
Далее выбери ключевые моменты из биографии. Где родился где учился и когда стал сниматься в кино (название кино лучше сюда включить) будет более чем достаточно.
He lived in Texas during all his childhood (но это все неточно, это просто пример!!). After taking part in the film (название первого фильма с ним) he decided to connect his life with it. Then he played (имя персонажа и фильм, откуда он. И так 2-3 раза. Бери более популярное, проще описать сюжет будет в случае вопросов)
Чем ты восхищаешься в нем я не знаю, но лично мне нравится его речь.
I guess his speech brings some sences to people. His voice sounds certainly, like he is sure what he says.
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