Сэнди: Привет, Энн. Как твои дела?
Энн: О, привет, Сэнди. Что ты здесь делаешь? Покупаешь одежду?
Сэнди: Нет, я ищу подарок для Анджелы, но у меня не очень получается.
Энн: Давай найдем ей что-нибудь вместе .
Сэнди: Хорошо. Есть идеи ?
Энн: Как насчет сумки?
Сэнди: Хорошая идея. Она любит сумки. Что ты думаешь об этой синей?
Энн: Она хорошая, но я думаю, что немного дороговата.
Сэнди: Наверное, ты права. А как насчет этих шарфов?
Энн: Она не носит шарфы. Подожди-ка! Вот! Эти топы великолепны. Да и они продаются за полцены. Тебе нравится вот этот?
Сэнди: Великолепно. Зеленый цвет подходит цвету её глаз.
Энн: Тогда покупай его.
1. Sandy wants to buy a present for Angela.
2. Ann offers to find her something together.
3. They aren't buying the blue bag because the bags are a bit expensive.
4. Angela doesn't wear scarves.
5. Sandy decides to buy a green top because it's gorgeous and it matches the colour of Angela's eyes. (Besides, tops aren't expensive, they are half price.)
ответ:: А. What's up?
B. Not bad! You?
A: The same. Well, my parents bought a guitar for me, but I can't play it. So, do you play the guitar or know anyone who plays?
B: Oh, let me think. I can't play, but I know some people who can do it. For example, Peter is a nice guitarist! You met him last week at the party...
A: Awesome! What type of guitar does he play?
B: Probably acoustic.
A: That's brilliant! I decided to receive money playing the guitar on the street. What do you think about it? Do you often see people playing the guitar, or other musical instruments, on the street in your town?
B: Well, my attitude toward it is positive. And I often donate for them
A: I will wait for you when I will have learnt!
B: Ok, I will visit you. I remember that you had had already experience with musical instruments. Right? Have you ever learned to play an instrument? If yes what and why? Do you still play it? If no, which instrument would you like to learn to play? Why?
A: Yeah, you're right! I have learned to play the piano. A few years ago I found it as a very interesting instrument. I used to learn very long, but now I don't. I learning to play the acoustic guitar as you know and I wanna learn to play the hallo. Well, can you give me Peter's phone number?
B: Oh, yeah! I will send you a message via WhatsApp
A: Big thanks!
B: All at all! Sorry, but I have to go! I have an extra lesson. See you soon!
A: See you. Bye!
B: Bye!
2 the day before
3 ago
4 those/ the day before
5 last night
6 now
7 here