вам нужно по пятьдесят предложений?
могу только с несколькими .
There is a cat.
there is a dog .
there is a whale.
there is a doctor
there is a tiger.
there is a table
there is a mouse.
there is a bad
There are good students.
There are our parents in this room.
There are many people at this ceremony.
There are many different pencils.
There are interesting books.
There are beautiful dresses.
There are many cakes in this store.
There are plenty of pens in my pencil case.
There are many mushrooms in the woods.
There are delicious dishes on the table.
2 The Kremlin is the historical center of the city
3 It is located at the confluence of the rivers Volga and Oka.
4 By now, all 13 towers of the Kremlin have been preserved.
5 The Kremlin is the most beautiful landmark of Nizhny Novgorod