1.I am reading an interesting book. – Я читаю интересную книгу. 2.Next week we are buying a new car. – На следующей неделе мы покупаем новую машину. 3.This film is too boring. I am leaving. – Этот фильм слишком скучный, я ухожу. 4.The weather is improving. – Погода улучшается. 5.I am sitting at my table and writing.-Я сижу за столом и пишу. 6.I’m leaving tomorrow.-Я уезжаю завтра. 7.He is smiling. – Он улыбается 8.We’re flying to Paris in the morning. - Мы вылетаем в Париж утром. 9.I am working now. — Я сейчас работаю. 10. He is talking to his friend. – Он разговаривает с другом.
1)I am playing now. 2) She is saying at the moment. 3)They are makeing sweets now. 4) He is working at the moment. 5) I am needing of water now. 6) She is beginig homework at the moment. 7) Look! They drinking beer!
Football is the world`s most popular sport game. Certainly football requires a lot of effort, volitional and moral qualities of a man but what kid would not want to test himself. Today football really has become mass sport. In the world there are millions of football players, thousands of teams from major league clubs to children`s amateur teams which regularly organize competitions for different prizes. I am also a passionate player and a fan of the game and of course a fan of CSKA. And my favorite sport is football. When I was small I was very fond of watching football games on TV. ThenI grew up and began to chase the ball. At first, this game attracted me with a beautiful ball and a bright form. A bit later I was plunged in a deep reverie, why I liked football. May be because it is a mobile game, more than one person, a small team is involved in it. A victory of the team depends on the game of each person. This game tempers health, trains will, fellowship and helps to become hardy and strong. We often play football at physical education lessons in autumn and spring. We ignite with this game in such a way that don`t notice how the lesson passes. Noticing our enthusiasm for the game our physical education teacher Pyotr Vasilyevich Makarov agreed to train us in this kind of sport. And during the summer holidays we come to the village (I live in the village of Sigachy) football field and play football. I wish everyone to love this sport because football is great.
My favorite sport is roller skating, because I really love high speeds. Sweeping speed of the wind, tacking between passers feel completely free. Of course, at first even to stand still on roller skates it was not easy - the legs went home wanting more likely to go on a long journey. Numerous bruises, bruises, scratched his hands, torn jeans were the norm. Over time, learned to ride on roller skates, I began to take a new "barriers": learn from the older and more experienced colleagues new moves, teach clever tricks. Now rollers hidden in the closet and wait for a replacement frame, cracked after jumping from the parapet. Walking on the wheels of steel a wonderful way to have fun with friends in the fresh air and gave a lot of good impressions.
2.Next week we are buying a new car. – На следующей неделе мы покупаем новую машину.
3.This film is too boring. I am leaving. – Этот фильм слишком скучный, я ухожу.
4.The weather is improving. – Погода улучшается.
5.I am sitting at my table and writing.-Я сижу за столом и пишу.
6.I’m leaving tomorrow.-Я уезжаю завтра.
7.He is smiling. – Он улыбается
8.We’re flying to Paris in the morning. - Мы вылетаем в Париж утром.
9.I am working now. — Я сейчас работаю.
10. He is talking to his friend. – Он разговаривает с другом.