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продолжение статьи про правила построения предложений и случаи употребления Present Simple, предлагаю несколько упражнений на закрепление пройденного материала. ответы находятся под каждым упражнением в виде спойлера KEY
Упражнения на использование Present Simple:
1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form. — Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму:
I (to like) apples.
Ann (to play) computer games every weekend.
We (to go) to work by train.
You (not to work) very hard.
My friend and I (to spend) time together in the evenings.
They (to visit) their relatives once a week.
I (not to swim) in the see on summer.
Food (to become) cold in the fridge.
My cat (not to enjoy) fish.
Her parents (not to take) her to school every day.
We (not to invite) our friends at the weekend.
You (to know) Math.
Sarah and Andrew (not to go) to dancing classes on Sundays.
We (to have) our English lessons twice a week.
He (not to have) blue eyes.
I (to have) dark hair.
[spoiler title=’KEY’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]1. like; 2. plays; 3. go; 4. don’t work; 5. spend; 6. visit; 7. don’t swim; 8. becomes; 9. doesn’t enjoy; 10. don’t take; 11. don’t invite; 12. don’t know; 13. don’t go; 14. have; 15. doesn’t have; 16. have. [/spoiler