The author’s purpose in this piece is mostly to inform readers. This text tells the reader about modern technologies and new inventions. It shows both sides of this topic, which is very right since modern technology is a marvel to some, however it can be quite tiring to work out how something operates, especially the older generations. I think the author’s purpose here is to inform because, well, it’s the 21st century, an era of robots, artificial intelligence and new gadgets like the iPhone, a new version of it is to come out every year. People living in a century of IT should be acquainted with what the world is living by.
However, difficulties can come not only in how these gadgets work, but in cleanliness. And this might be a potential hazard to your health. So yes, I reckon the author of this piece thought to inform the readers about what they might face in the modern world of technology.
a) Manager (менеджер/управляющий), secondary (вторичный), different (различный/другой), appearance (внешность), comfortable (удобный), musical (музыкальный), tasty (вкусный), conversation (разговор), economic (экономический), recently (недавно), profession (профессия), fashion (мода), properly (правильно/должным образом), early (ранний+рано), satisfaction (удовлетворение), friendly (дружелюбный), condition (состояние).
nouns: manager, appearance, conversation, profession, fashion, satisfaction, condition.
adjectives: secondary, different, comfortable, musical, tasty, economic, early, friendly.
adverbs: recently, properly, early.
b)differ: difference, different, indifferent
comfort: comfortable, uncomfortable, discomfort
friend: friendly, unfriendly
music: musical, musically
appear: appearance, disappear
c) 1. My friend studies at the economic college.
2. They are friends and get along well with each other.
3. We live in a comfortable room.
4. You should take care of your appearance.
5. There are many different shops in this street.