1 Most graduates find work in fashion or a related field.
Do most graduates find work in fashion or a related field?
Where do most graduates find work?
Do most graduates find work in fashion or don't find at all?
Who find work in fashion or a related field?
Most graduates find work in fashion or a related field, don't they?
2. Mass market clothing is manufactured in large quantities and made available for the open market.
Is mass market clothing manufactured in large quantities and made available for the open market.?
What did mass market clothing do?
Is mass market clothing manufactured in large quantities and made available for the open market or made clothes for fashion show ?
Mass market clothing is manufactured in large quantities and made available for the open market, isn't it?
Who is manufactured in large quantities and made available for the open market?
3. This clothing is typically available in standard sizes with many copies of the same design.
Is this clothing typically available in standard sizes with many copies of the same design?
What sizes of this clothing are typically available?
Is this clothing typically available in standard sizes with many copies of the same design or only with single size and exclusive styles?
What is typically available in standard sizes with many copies of the same design?
This clothing is typically available in standard sizes with many copies of the same design, isn't it?
After gaining its political sovereignty there have been positive changes in mass media like other branches. Nowadays 1420 mass Medias are active. It consists: 686 newspapers, 295 magazines, 65 TV studios, 31 radio channels, 324 web sites, 15 newsletters by branches and 4 information agencies. This process is appearing not only in government but at the moment in non–government mass media. Non–government mass media consists more than 50 percent of publishing printed media, 53 percent of broadcasting TV and 86 percent of radio channels. These numbers show nearly 3 times rise in comparing with the beginning of 1990.
3)A lot of